This is the complete list of members for ms_customproperty, including all inherited members.
appendProperty(const char *name, const char *value, const char *delimiter, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
appendText(const char *line, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
copyFrom(const ms_customproperty *src) | ms_customproperty | |
defaultValues() | ms_customproperty | |
delNonEmpty() | ms_customproperty | |
delProp(const char *name) | ms_customproperty | |
delPropByNumber(const int index) | ms_customproperty | |
delPropStart(const char *nameBeginning) | ms_customproperty | |
findProperty(const char *name, const int startFrom=0) const | ms_customproperty | |
findPropertyBeginning(const char *nameBeginning, const int startFrom=0) const | ms_customproperty | |
getDefaultDelimiter() const | ms_customproperty | |
getDelimiterByNumber(const int index) const | ms_customproperty | |
getNumberOfProperties() const | ms_customproperty | |
getPreceedingComments() const | ms_customproperty | |
getPropertyName(const int index) const | ms_customproperty | |
getPropValStringByName(const char *name) const | ms_customproperty | |
getPropValStringByNumber(const int index) const | ms_customproperty | |
ms_customproperty() | ms_customproperty | |
setDefaultDelimiter(const char *delim) | ms_customproperty | |
setPreceedingComments(const std::string &comments) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropertyName(const int index, const char *name) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropValBoolByName(const char *name, const bool value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropValCharByName(const char *name, const char value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropValFloatByName(const char *name, const double value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropValInt64ByName(const char *name, const INT64 value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropValIntByName(const char *name, const int value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropValStringByName(const char *name, const char *value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) | ms_customproperty | |
setPropValStringByNumber(const int index, const char *value) | ms_customproperty | |
uncommentProp(const int index, const char *delimeter=0) | ms_customproperty | |
~ms_customproperty() | ms_customproperty |