It is highly advisable to use HTTP for all communication with a Mascot server. One reason is that the HTTP API is uniform across different platforms (Windows, Linux). A second reason is that even if you are prepared to write platform-dependent code, direct access to the server by users may not be permitted by the IT department.
The HTTP Client classes provided a high level interface to allow access to the Mascot server.
There are three main levels at which to access the Mascot server:
) that is the root address for all the server applications, typically ending in "/cgi/". Queries allow you to find out such things as the server version and operating system. This is also where you login to get a session. Lower level access is available using ms_http_helper and its associated classes (ms_http_helper_handles, ms_http_helper_progress, ms_http_helper_response and ms_http_helper_return). The higher level HTTP client classes are implemented using these low level classes. On Windows, these low level classes are implemented using the WinHTTP 5.1 API and as such requires at least Windows 2000, Service Pack 3 or later.
Some of the search parameters are chosen from controlled lists of terms that are server specific. For example, the name of the sequence database to be searched. Mascot is very configurable, and you should not make any assumptions about what choices will be available. It is possible for people to define their own databases, instrument types, modifications, and enzymes.
The most flexible way to obtain these lists is using Mascot Parser. The URL of the Mascot server is passed to the relevant constructor. See the example code in the Mascot Parser documentation for config_enzymes, config_fragrules, config_mascotdat, config_masses, config_config_modfile and config_taxonomy.
The MIME format is described in Chapter 8 of the Mascot Installation and Setup manual and RFC's 2045 - 2049. A file of the required format is created automatically, when the search form is submitted. You can capture this output by setting the option SaveLastQueryAsc in mascot.dat to 1. See Chapter 6 of the manual for further information.
The data passed to the server is a concentenation of the prologue, the file and the epilogue. It is often more convenient to save just the peak list in a file. The prologue and epilogue can then be created for the search and sent directly to the server without having to save them to a file.
If the peak list is relatively small, then it can be stored in memory and passed in one parameter (e.g. as the prologue) along with all the other informaion. The other parameters (e.g. the file and epilogue) can be left blank.
When creating MIME format information (e.g. the prologue), a ms_http_client_mime provides a simple mechanism for formatting the data correctly.
Create a new ms_http_client, passing the base URL and suitable settings.
matrix_science::ms_connection_settings settings; settings.setUserAgent("your_application_name"); matrix_science::ms_http_client server("http://your_mascot_server/mascot/cgi/", settings);
Login, passing a username and password if required, to obtain a new ms_http_client_session (not to be confused with ms_session, which is used locally on the server only and does not communicate via HTTP). If security has not been enabled, then the username and password can be blank.
matrix_science::ms_http_client_session session; matrix_science::ms_http_client::LoginResultCode loginResult = server.userLogin("your_username", "your_password", session); // ... check success
Get a new ms_http_client_search from the session.
std::string httpHeader = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=---MascotDistillerMascotSearch"; matrix_science::ms_http_client_search search; matrix_science::ms_http_helper_progress progress; bool isOk = session->submitSearch(search, httpHeader, "", "your_source_mime_filename", "", progress); // ... check success
Follow the progress of the search on the server until is is complete.
matrix_science::ms_http_client_search::SearchStatusCode code; int progressPercent; do { bool isOk = search.getStatus(code, progressPercent); // ... check success // ... waiting for search to complete double x = progressPercent; } while (code == matrix_science::ms_http_client_search_status::TS_RUNNING);
bool isOk = search.downloadResultsFile("your_target_download_filename"); // ... check success
To retrieve the results from a previously run search you will need to know its search task identifier.
Create a new ms_http_client.
matrix_science::ms_connection_settings settings; settings.setUserAgent("your_application_name"); matrix_science::ms_http_client server("http://your_mascot_server/mascot/cgi/", settings);
Login, passing a username and password if required, to obtain a new ms_http_client_session.
matrix_science::ms_http_client_session session; matrix_science::ms_http_client::LoginResultCode loginResult = server.userLogin("your_username", "your_password", session); // ... check success
Get a new ms_http_client_search using the ms_http_client_session and the task identifier.
matrix_science::ms_http_client_search search(session, "search_task_identifier");
bool isOk = search.downloadResultsFile("your_target_download_filename"); // ... check success
To retrieve the sequence for a particular accession:
Create a server object, passing the base URL and suitable settings.
matrix_science::ms_connection_settings settings; settings.setUserAgent("your_application_name"); matrix_science::ms_http_client server("http://your_mascot_server/mascot/cgi/", settings);
Login, passing a username and password if required, to obtain a session.
matrix_science::ms_http_client_session session; matrix_science::ms_http_client::LoginResultCode loginResult = server.userLogin("your_username", "your_password", session); // ... check success
const std::vector<std::string> & accessionNames; accessionNames.push_back("041R_FRG3G"); const std::vector<int> accessionFrames; // not using NA frames so leave empty bool isOk = session.getSequenceFile("SwissProt", accessionNames, accessionFrames, "target_file_name"); // ... check success
All the classes inherit from ms_errors. A logging level and logging file can be set on the initial ms_http_client object, for example:
my $objHttpClient = new msparser::ms_http_client($url, $objSettings); if ($objHttpClient->isValid) { $objHttpClient->getErrorHandler->setLoggingFile("log.txt", $msparser::ms_errs::sev_debug3); }
When ms_http_client::userLogin is called, the logging values are copied to the ms_http_client_session object passed to the function.
When ms_http_client_session::submitSearch is called, the logging values are copied to the ms_http_client_search object passed to the function.
It is possible to connect to websites using https on Linux or Windows systems. To do so, the target website must have a valid certificate. The certificate may be refused by Parser for three main reasons.
To update the list of certificates or to add a self-signed certificate on Linux, two methods are possible.
Note that on Linux, all certificates to be added must be in a valid PEM format. Namely, the certificates must be between —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and —–END CERTIFICATE—– in the file. There are some tools to convert from other formats to the PEM format, for example on this website :, Linux packages also contain similar tools.
This method is preferred when it is required to update the system's bundle of certificates. For example, if it not possible to connect to, it may be due to the system's bundle. It is however not recommanded to use this method for a self-signed certificate, unless you want to grant access to this website for all other programs on your system.
An up-to-date list of certificates can be downloaded from any of the following links, either over http or https.
Debian and Ubuntu systems To add a root certificate to a Debian-based Linux system, type the following commands.
sudo cp newCertificate.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ sudo update-ca-certificates
Fedora, RedHat and CentOS systems To add a root certificate to a Fedora-based Linux system, type the following commands as root.
yum install ca-certificates update-ca-trust force-enable cp newCertificate.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ update-ca-trust extract
This method is preferred for a self-signed certificate. To download the root certificate of a website, you can do so from your browser or ask its administrator, and convert it to PEM format as mentioned above. The extension of root certificates are usually .crt, although it does not matter for this method to work.
Once the certificate has been downloaded on your system, type the following commands, the access rights depend on your installation.
mkdir -p /usr/local/mascot/cert chmod 755 /usr/local/mascot/cert cp selfSignedCertificate.crt /usr/local/mascot/cert/ chmod 644 /usr/local/mascot/cert/selfSignedCertificate.crt
It is also possible to add a self-signed certificate on Windows. Note that, on Windows, the certificate must be in one of the following formats : .PFX, .P12, .P7B, .SST .
To download the root certificate of a website, you can do so from your browser or ask its administrator, and make sure it is in a correct format as mentioned above.
Once the certificate has been downloaded on your system, do the following
Click Start, click the text box Search Program and files Type mmc and type Enter Click File -> Add/Remove Snap-in... Click Certificates, click Add >, select Computer account, click Next, click Finish, click OK On the left panel, Navigate to Console Root/Certificates (Local Computer)/Personal/Third-Party Root Certification Authorities, Certificates Right click on Certificates, click on All tasks -> Import... Click Next, click Browse..., change the file filter to match your file type, click your file, click Open, click Next, click Next, click Finish, click OK, close the Console.