Matrix Science Mascot Parser toolkit
No Matches

Example program illustrating basic usage of ms_customquantitation.

# file: #
# Mascot Parser toolkit example code #
# Copyright 1998-2013 Matrix Science Limited All Rights Reserved. #
# #
# $Source: parser/examples/test_perl/ $
# $Author: $
# $Date: 2018-07-30 16:23:53 +0100 $
# $Revision: 1b450440f9c97e1e41d0fc6016a27d68951d4532 | MSPARSER_REL_3_1_0-2025-07-27-0-gea47708fac $
use strict;
use warnings;
use msparser;
# This example uses fictitious data to illustrate how ms_customquantitation can
# be used with the Average protocol. In a real situation peptide intensities
# and the protein-peptide mapping would come from some external source.
my @protein_peptide_mapping = (
{ accession => 'ALBU_HUMAN', peptides => [ [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1] ] },
{ accession => 'ALBU_BOVIN', peptides => [ [2, 2], [5, 1], [7, 1] ] },
my %peptide_intensities = (
'q1p1' => 1_000,
'q2p1' => 500,
'q3p1' => 750,
'q2p2' => 750,
'q5p1' => 2_000,
'q7p1' => 1_000,
my $qmethod = msparser::ms_quant_method->new();
do {
my $average = msparser::ms_quant_average->new;
# We set the number of top N peptides to 2, so we expect the following
# peptide intensities to be used:
# ALBU_HUMAN = 1000, 750
# ALBU_BOVIN = 2000, 1000
my $p = msparser::ms_quant_protocol->new;
# Since ms_customquantitation does not use the ratio definitions in the
# quantitation method, we need not define them at all. Ratios are meaningless
# in the Average protocol anyway, so we can use any name we want to denote
# the intensity values.
my $rationame = "amount";
normalisation => 'none',
outliers => 'none',
protein_ratio_type => 'average',
min_num_peptides => 1,
my $customquant = msparser::ms_customquantitation->new($qmethod);
if (not $customquant->isValid) {
print STDERR $customquant->getLastErrorString(), "\n";
exit 1;
dump_quant_method($qmethod, [$rationame]);
# Create the protein-peptide mapping:
for (@protein_peptide_mapping) {
my ($acc, $peptides) = @$_{qw(accession peptides)};
for (@$peptides) {
# Note that the q,p arguments to ms_peptide_quant_key must be integers.
# Otherwise the wrong constructor is chosen. Adding to 0 converts the
# values to integers.
$customquant->addPeptideQuantKey($acc, 0, msparser::ms_peptide_quant_key->new(0+$$_[0], 0+$$_[1]));
# Add peptide intensities:
for (keys %peptide_intensities) {
my ($q, $p) = $_ =~ /q(\d+)p(\d+)/;
my $ratio = msparser::ms_peptide_quant_ratio->new(msparser::ms_peptide_quant_key->new(0+$q, 0+$p), $rationame, $peptide_intensities{$_});
print "\n";
# Print it all out immediately:
for my $mapping (@protein_peptide_mapping) {
printf "%s:\n", $$mapping{'accession'};
my $ratio = $customquant->getProteinRatio($$mapping{'accession'}, 0, $rationame);
if ($ratio->isMissing()) {
printf "%10s: ---\n", $rationame;
} else {
printf "%10s = %10g, stderr = %10g, N = %d, normal-p = %6g, hypo-p = %6g\n",
$rationame, $ratio->getValue(), $ratio->getStandardError(),
$ratio->getSampleSize(), $ratio->getNormalityPvalue(),
print "\n";
print join(' ', map { sprintf("%10s", $_) } 'Peptide', $rationame), "\n";
for (@{ $$mapping{'peptides'} }) {
my ($q, $p) = @$_;
my @values = ();
my $ratio = $customquant->getPeptideRatio(msparser::ms_peptide_quant_key->new(0+$q, 0+$p), $rationame);
if ($ratio->isMissing()) {
push @values, sprintf("%10s", '---');
} elsif ($ratio->isInfinite()) {
push @values, sprintf("%10s", '###');
} else {
push @values, sprintf("%10g", $ratio->getValue());
printf "%10s %s\n", sprintf("q%d_p%d", $q, $p), join(' ', @values);
print "\n";
sub set_params {
my ($qmethod, %h) = @_;
my $quality;
if ($qmethod->haveQuality) {
$quality = $qmethod->getQuality();
} else {
$quality = msparser::ms_quant_quality->new();
my $normalisation;
if ($qmethod->haveNormalisation) {
$normalisation = $qmethod->getNormalisation();
} else {
$normalisation = msparser::ms_quant_normalisation->new();
my $outliers;
if ($qmethod->haveOutliers) {
$outliers = $qmethod->getOutliers();
} else {
$outliers = msparser::ms_quant_outliers->new();
$normalisation->setMethod($h{'normalisation'} || 'none');
$outliers->setMethod($h{'outliers'} || 'none');
$qmethod->setMinNumPeptides($h{'min_num_peptides'} || 2);
$qmethod->setProteinRatioType($h{'protein_ratio_type'} || 'average');
$quality->setMinPrecursorCharge($h{'min_precursor_charge'} || 1);
$quality->setPepThresholdType($h{'pep_threshold_type'} || 'maximum expect');
$quality->setPepThresholdValue($h{'pep_threshold_value'} || '0.05');
sub dump_quant_method {
my ($qmethod, $rationames) = @_;
do {
my @comps = ();
for my $i (0 .. $qmethod->getNumberOfComponents()-1) {
my $comp = $qmethod->getComponentByNumber($i);
$comps[$i] = $comp->getName();
printf "Components: [%s]\n", join(', ', @comps);
printf "Report ratios: [%s]\n", join(', ', @$rationames);
printf "Protein ratio type = %s\n", $qmethod->getProteinRatioType();
printf "Min. number of peptides = %d\n", $qmethod->getMinNumPeptides();
if ($qmethod->haveQuality()) {
my $q = $qmethod->getQuality();
printf "Quality: min. precursor charge = %s\n", $q->getMinPrecursorCharge();
printf "Quality: pep. threshold type = %s\n", $q->getPepThresholdType();
printf "Quality: pep. threshold value = %s\n", $q->getPepThresholdValue();
} else {
printf "Quality: no restrictions\n";
if ($qmethod->haveNormalisation()) {
my $q = $qmethod->getNormalisation();
printf "Normalisation = %s\n", $q->getMethod();
} else {
printf "Normalisation: none\n";
if ($qmethod->haveOutliers()) {
my $q = $qmethod->getOutliers();
printf "Outliers = %s\n", $q->getMethod();
} else {
printf "Outliers: none\n";
sub dump_warnings {
my ($err) = @_;
for my $i (1 .. $err->getNumberOfErrors()) {
print 'Warning: ', $err->getErrorString($i), "\n";