Matrix Science Mascot Parser toolkit
No Matches

Testing peptides for quantifiability.

# file: tools_quant_helper.cs #
# 'msparser' toolkit example code #
# Copyright 1998-2015 Matrix Science Limited All Rights Reserved. #
# #
# $Source: parser/examples/test_csharp/tools_quant_helper.cs $ #
# $Author: $ #
# $Date: 2024-09-04 10:23:46 +0100 $ #
# $Revision: 526921a73137894bb1eae0b0fc8ccb4bb52ea662 | MSPARSER_REL_3_1_0-2025-07-27-0-gea47708fac $ #
# $NoKeywords:: $ #
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using matrix_science.msparser;
namespace MsParserExamples
class tools_quant_helper
private const string QUANT_SCHEMA = @" ../html/xmlns/schema/quantitation_2/quantitation_2.xsd ../html/xmlns/schema/quantitation_1/quantitation_1.xsd", UNIMOD_SCHEMA = @" ../html/xmlns/schema/unimod_2/unimod_2.xsd";
public static int Main(string[] argv)
if (argv.Length == 0)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: {0} <quantitation results.dat>", Path.GetFileName((new tools_quant_helper()).GetType().Assembly.Location));
return 1;
ms_mascotresfilebase resfile = ms_mascotresfilebase.createResfile(argv[0]);
if (!resfile.isValid())
return 1;
// the details of loading the quantitation method and peptide summary object
// are not relevant to this example (see methods at the end of the file for
// implementation).
ms_quant_configfile quantConfigFile;
ms_quant_method qmethod;
ms_peptidesummary pepSum;
if (!loadMethod(resfile, out quantConfigFile, out qmethod)) return 1;
ms_umod_configfile umodfile = null;
if (!loadUmodConfigFile(resfile, out umodfile)) return 1;
if (!loadPeptideSummary(resfile, out pepSum)) return 1;
ms_quant_helper quantHelper = new ms_quant_helper(pepSum, qmethod, umodfile);
if (!quantHelper.isValid())
Console.WriteLine("ms_quant_helper is not value: {0}", quantHelper.getLastErrorString());
return 1;
List<ms_protein> proteins = pullProteinsFrom(pepSum);
Console.WriteLine("File {0} uses {1} and has {2} family proteins", argv[0], qmethod.getName(), proteins.Count);
Dictionary<int, string> peptideQuantStr = new Dictionary<int, string>()
Dictionary<int, string> peptideQualityStr = new Dictionary<int, string>()
foreach (ms_protein protein in proteins)
Console.WriteLine("Protein {0}::{1}", protein.getDB(), protein.getAccession());
for (int i = 1; i <= protein.getNumPeptides(); i++)
int q = protein.getPeptideQuery(i), p = protein.getPeptideP(i);
ms_peptide peptide = pepSum.getPeptide(q, p);
if (peptide == null) continue;
// Each peptide can be tested for two things:
// a) is it quantifiable?
// b) is it of high enough quality for quantification
// The two parameters are defined in the quantitation method object
// The two tests are orthogonal: the peptide need not pass test (a)
// in order to pass test (b), and vice versa. Normally, for
// quantitation purposes, you can ignore peptides which fail either test,
// so you can continue straight to the next peptide if test (a) fails
// Test (a):
string reason;
int ok = quantHelper.isPeptideQuantifiable(q, p, protein, i, out reason);
Console.WriteLine("\tq{0}_p{1} quantifiable? {2} ({3})", q, p, peptideQuantStr[ok], (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason) ? "" : reason));
// Test (b):
string reason;
int ok = quantHelper.isPeptideQualityOK(q, p, out reason);
Console.WriteLine("\tq{0}_p{1} quality? {2} ({3})", q, p, peptideQualityStr[ok], (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason) ? "" : reason));
return 0;
private static void dumpQuantMethod(ms_quant_method qmethod)
List<string> comps = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < qmethod.getNumberOfComponents(); i++)
Console.WriteLine("Components: [{0}]", string.Join(", ", comps));
Console.WriteLine("Protein ratio type = {0}", qmethod.getProteinRatioType());
Console.WriteLine("Min. number of peptides = {0}", qmethod.getMinNumPeptides());
if (qmethod.haveQuality())
var q = qmethod.getQuality();
Console.WriteLine("Quality: min. precursor charge = {0}", q.getMinPrecursorCharge());
Console.WriteLine("Quality: pep. threshold type = {0}", q.getPepThresholdType());
Console.WriteLine("Quality: pep. threshold value = {0}", q.getPepThresholdValue());
Console.WriteLine("Quality: no restrictions");
if (qmethod.haveNormalisation())
var q = qmethod.getNormalisation();
Console.WriteLine("Normalisation = {0}", q.getMethod());
Console.WriteLine("Normalisation: none");
if (qmethod.haveOutliers())
var q = qmethod.getOutliers();
Console.WriteLine("Outliers = {0}", q.getMethod());
Console.WriteLine("Outliers: none");
private static List<ms_protein> pullProteinsFrom(ms_peptidesummary pepsum)
List<ms_protein> proteins = new List<ms_protein>();
for (int i = 1; i <= pepsum.getNumberOfHits(); i++)
ms_protein hit = pepsum.getHit(i);
int j = 0;
ms_protein protein;
while((protein = pepsum.getNextFamilyProtein(i, ++j)) != null) {
return proteins;
private static bool loadPeptideSummary(ms_mascotresfilebase resfile, out ms_peptidesummary pepSum)//, out ms_peptidesummary pepsum)
// set pepsum to null so we can return out with false if the method fails
pepSum = null;
ms_mascotoptions opts = new ms_mascotoptions();
uint flags, flags2, minpeplen;
int maxhits;
double minprob, iisb;
bool usePepsum;
resfile.get_ms_mascotresults_params(opts, out flags, out minprob, out maxhits, out iisb, out minpeplen, out usePepsum, out flags2);
if (!usePepsum)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Results file cannot be opened as a peptide summary");
return false;
pepSum = new ms_peptidesummary(resfile, flags, minprob, maxhits, "", iisb, (int) minpeplen, "", flags2);
if (!resfile.isValid())
return false;
return true;
private static bool loadUmodConfigFile(ms_mascotresfilebase resfile, out ms_umod_configfile umodfile)
umodfile = new ms_umod_configfile();
if (!resfile.getUnimod(umodfile))
Console.Error.WriteLine("Result file does not have a Unimod section");
return false;
if (!umodfile.isValid())
Console.Error.WriteLine("Unimod file is not value: {0}", umodfile.getLastErrorString());
return false;
string str = umodfile.validateDocument();
if (str.Length > 0)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Unimod file does not validate: {0}", str);
return false;
return true;
private static bool loadMethod(ms_mascotresfilebase resfile, out ms_quant_configfile quantConfigFile, out ms_quant_method qmethod)
// set the out values to null so we can return false without defining them
quantConfigFile = null;
qmethod = null;
string quantMethodName = resfile._params().getQUANTITATION();
if (quantMethodName == null || quantMethodName.Length == 0 || quantMethodName.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Console.Error.WriteLine("File has no quantitation method");
return false;
quantConfigFile = new ms_quant_configfile();
if (!resfile.getQuantitation(quantConfigFile))
Console.Error.WriteLine("File has no quantitation method: {0}", resfile.getLastErrorString());
return false;
if (!quantConfigFile.isValid())
Console.Error.WriteLine("Quantitation file is not valid: {0}", quantConfigFile.getLastErrorString());
return false;
string str = quantConfigFile.validateDocument();
if (str.Length > 0)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Quantitation file does not validate: {0}", str);
return false;
qmethod = quantConfigFile.getMethodByName(quantMethodName);
if (qmethod == null)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Quantitation file has no method called: '{0}'", quantMethodName);
return false;
return true;
tools_quant_helper.exe ..\data\F981133.dat
Will give the following output:
File ..\data\F981133.dat uses SILAC K+6 R+6 multiplex and has 22 family proteins
Components: [light, heavy]
Protein ratio type = weighted
Min. number of peptides = 2
Quality: min. precursor charge = 1
Quality: pep. threshold type = at least homology
Quality: pep. threshold value = 0.05
Normalisation: none
Outliers = auto
Protein 1::K2C1_PANTR
q18_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q18_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q28_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q28_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q33_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q33_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q38_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q38_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q39_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q39_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q40_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q40_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q55_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q55_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::TRYP_PIG
q1_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q1_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q2_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q2_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q3_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q3_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q9_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q9_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q72_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q72_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q73_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q73_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q74_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q74_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q75_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q75_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q76_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q76_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q77_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q77_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q78_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q78_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q81_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q81_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q82_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q82_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q90_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q90_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q91_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q91_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::IGG2B_MOUSE
q12_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q12_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q57_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q57_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q58_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q58_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q62_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q62_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q66_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q66_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::ALBU_BOVIN
q16_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q16_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q30_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q30_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q46_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q46_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q49_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q49_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q50_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q50_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
Protein 1::ENPL_MOUSE
q4_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q4_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q19_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q19_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q20_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q20_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q24_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q24_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q26_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q26_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q41_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q41_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q42_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q42_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
Protein 1::NUCL_MOUSE
q5_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q5_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q6_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q6_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q7_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q7_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q8_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q8_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q44_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q44_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q45_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q45_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q92_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q92_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q93_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q93_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::EPHB2_HUMAN
q13_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q13_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q21_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q21_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q53_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q53_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q88_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q88_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
Protein 1::K2C1_RAT
q33_p4 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q33_p4 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q38_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q38_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q39_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q39_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q40_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q40_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::K2C75_BOVIN
q28_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q28_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q38_p4 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q38_p4 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q40_p6 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q40_p6 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
Protein 1::HNRPU_HUMAN
q32_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q32_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q34_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q34_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q51_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q51_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q52_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q52_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::SFPQ_HUMAN
q14_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q14_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q15_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q15_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q22_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q22_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q69_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q69_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q70_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q70_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::CAPR1_MOUSE
q23_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q23_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q36_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q36_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q37_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q37_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::K2C1B_HUMAN
q18_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q18_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q38_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q38_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q40_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q40_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q53_p3 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q53_p3 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
Protein 1::ENPL_ARATH
q24_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q24_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q26_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q26_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q41_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q41_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q42_p10 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q42_p10 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q67_p10 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q67_p10 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
Protein 1::VIME_CRIGR
q17_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q17_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q35_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q35_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::BCAR1_MOUSE
q10_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q10_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q11_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q11_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q63_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q63_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::HTPG_ALKEH
q24_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q24_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q26_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q26_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q67_p9 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q67_p9 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
Protein 1::FAK1_MOUSE
q29_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q29_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::HTPG_BDEBA
q24_p3 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q24_p3 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q26_p3 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q26_p3 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::K2C8_MOUSE
q33_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q33_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
Protein 1::TRY1_RAT
q72_p10 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q72_p10 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q73_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q73_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q74_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q74_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q75_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q75_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_IDENTITY_THR_NOHOM (Peptide score is below identity threshold (no homology threshold))
q76_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q76_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_IDENTITY_THR_NOHOM (Peptide score is below identity threshold (no homology threshold))
q78_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q78_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q81_p4 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q81_p4 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_HOMOLOGY_THR (Peptide score is below homology threshold)
q82_p2 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q82_p2 quality? PEPTIDE_SCORE_BELOW_IDENTITY_THR_NOHOM (Peptide score is below identity threshold (no homology threshold))
Protein 1::IGKC_MOUSE
q47_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q47_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()
q48_p1 quantifiable? PEPTIDE_IS_QUANTIFIABLE ()
q48_p1 quality? PEPTIDE_QUALITY_IS_OK ()