Index element containing one or more offsets for random data access for the entity described in the 'name' attribute.
Number of indices in this list.
File pointer offset (in bytes) of the element identified by the 'id' attribute.
The name of the entity the index entries are pointing to.
Reference to the 'id' attribute of the indexed element.
The identifier for the spot from which this spectrum was derived, if a MALDI or similar run.
In the case of a spectrum representing a single scan, this attribute may be used to reference it by the time at which the scan was acquired (a.k.a. scan time or retention time).
Container element for mzML which allows the addition of an index.
List of indices.
File pointer offset (in bytes) of the 'indexList' element.
SHA-1 checksum from beginning of file to end of 'fileChecksum' open tag.