Mascot: The trusted reference standard for protein identification by mass spectrometry for 25 years

Mascot Distiller download

Click on one of the following links and choose either to “Run this program from its current location” or “Save this program to disk”. If you save the file to disk, then open it to execute the program.

System requirements

Mascot Distiller requires 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or later, Server 2008 R2 SP1, or later. In all cases, the latest service pack should be applied. Mascot Distiller requires .NET Framework 4.6 or later to run. Processing of some formats additionally requires .NET Framework 2 or later. To submit a Mascot or MS-Blast search directly from Distiller requires Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Mascot Server must be 2.0 or later, except for the Quantitation Toolbox, which requires Mascot server 2.2 or later. Batch automation of quantitation requires Mascot Daemon 2.3 or later. Ensure you patch your Mascot Server to the latest patch level available. Quantitation using Average or Replicate protocols requires 2.2.06 or later. See the Mascot Server support page for further details.

Mascot Distiller installs the following data access libraries:

  • Agilent MHDAC version 8.0.8208
  • Bruker CompassXtract version 3.2.101
  • Bruker timsdata version 2.8.801.56
  • Sciex ClearCore version 2.0.1450
  • Thermo MSFileReader versions 3.0.31 and 3.1.0
  • Waters Mlraw version 2.1.0
  • Waters Apex3D version 3.0.14


If you wish to evaluate Mascot Distiller, send an email request to for a product key that can be registered on-line to obtain a 30 day licence.

If you choose not to register, or don’t buy a permanent licence after the 30 day period expires, Distiller will run in viewer mode, allowing you to browse existing projects but not modify them or create new ones.

A Distiller project file is an ideal way to supply supporting data for a publication to a journal. Referees can use Distiller in free, viewer mode to drill down into every detail of peak lists, Mascot search results, and quantitation reports without needing access to the instrument data system or your in-house Mascot server. Beats printing out hundreds of annotated spectra.