Matrix Science Mascot Parser toolkit
No Matches
ms_distiller_data_search Class Reference

The details of a Distiller search. More...

#include <ms_distiller_data_search.hpp>

Public Types

enum  eGrouping {
  eGroupAuto = 0 ,
  eGroupStandard = 1 ,
  eGroupFamily = 2
 Setting to control how proteins are grouped. More...
enum  eScoring {
  eAuto = 0 ,
  eMudpit = 1 ,
  eStandard = 99999999
 Determine whether to use MudPIT or standard (pre-Mascot 2.2) scoring. More...
enum  eSpectralLibrary {
  eUnknown = -1 ,
  eFASTA = 0 ,
  eLibrary = 1 ,
  eIntegrated = 2
 For integrated FASTA and Spectral Library search, determines the default result display option. More...

Public Member Functions

 ms_distiller_data_search ()
 Default constructor.
 ms_distiller_data_search (const std::string &taskId, bool isLoaded, const std::string &cacheFileName, const std::string &quantMethodXml, const std::string &mascotServerURL, const std::string &mascotServerVersion, unsigned int flags, unsigned int flags2, bool requireBoldRed, bool showSameset, double showSubset, bool loadUnassigned, double significanceThreshold, eScoring scoring, int reporttop, bool errTolPeptide, eGrouping proteinGrouping, bool percolator, double scoreExpectCutOff, bool showSamesetFamily, bool showSubsetFamily, eSpectralLibrary libraryDisplayOption, bool percolatorUseProteins, bool percolatorUseRT, int minPepLenInPepSummary, bool isTargetFDR=false, const std::string &targetFDRType="", const std::string &targetFDRStr="", const std::string &mlAdapterSettings="")
 Constructor with all values.
std::string getCacheFileName () const
 Return the name of the cache file used by Parser.
bool getErrTolPeptide () const
 Return true if the peptide search used error tolerant matching.
ms_mascotresults::DECOY_STATS_COUNT_TYPE getFDRCountType () const
 Returns the value of getTargetFDRType() transposed to the ms_mascotresults::DECOY_STATS_COUNT_TYPE enum.
bool getLoaded () const
 Returns true if the search data was currently loaded when the Distiller data was saved.
bool getLoadUnassigned () const
 Return true if the unassigned list should be loaded when opening the result.
std::string getMachineLearningAdapterSettings () const
 Returns any machine learning adapter settings.
std::string getMascotSearchURL (const std::string &resultsFilePath) const
 Return the URL for the search on the Mascot Server.
std::string getMascotServerURL () const
 The URL for the Mascot Server.
int getMinPepLenInPepSummary () const
 Return the minimum length of a peptide to be shown in a peptide summary.
unsigned int getPeptideSummaryFlags () const
 Return the default flags values to pass to the peptide summary constructor (as used in Distiller).
unsigned getPeptideSummaryFlags2 () const
 Return the default flags2 values to pass to the peptide summary constructor (as used in Distiller).
bool getPercolator () const
 Return true if the percolator is in use.
bool getPercolatorUseProteins () const
 Return true if percolator is set to set proteins for 'scoring'.
bool getPercolatorUseRT () const
 Return true if percolator will calculate and use retention times.
eGrouping getProteinGrouping () const
 Return the method of protein grouping that was used.
std::string getQuantMethodXml () const
 The XML text for the quantitation method, if any.
int getReporttop () const
 Return the number of protein hits to include in the results.
bool getRequireBoldRed () const
 Return true if bold, red font should be used.
double getScoreExpectCutOff () const
 Return the score cutoff threshold value.
eScoring getScoring () const
 Return the method of scoring that was used.
bool getShowSamesets () const
 Return true if same set matches should be shown for peptide and protein summary reports.
bool getShowSamesetsFamily () const
 Return true if same set matches should be shown for protein family summary reports.
double getShowSubset () const
 Return the threshold used to determine if a subset should be shown.
bool getShowSubsetFamily () const
 Return true if family subsets should be shown.
double getSignificanceThreshold () const
 Return the minimum probabilty threshold in use.
eSpectralLibrary getSpectralLibraryDisplayOption () const
 Returns the spectral library display option for the report.
double getTargetFDR () const
 Returns the numeric target fdr.
std::string getTargetFDRStr () const
 Returns the encoded target fdr for the targetFDR attribute.
std::string getTargetFDRType () const
 Returns the fdrType option for the targetFDR attribute.
std::string getTaskId () const
 The task ID of the Mascot search.
bool isTargetFDR () const
 Returns the "use" option for the targetFDR attribute.
bool serverVersionNewerOrSameAs (int major, int minor, int patch) const
 Compare the version of the Mascot Server with the specified values.

Detailed Description

The details of a Distiller search.

A list of these is stored in XML in the rover_data file in the Distiller project file. The data comes from the relevant <MascotSearch> section inside the <mascotsearches> section. Call ms_distiller_data::getSearch to get an instance of this object

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ eGrouping

enum eGrouping

Setting to control how proteins are grouped.

See Using enumerated values and static const ints in Perl, Java, Python and C#.


Grouping automatically determined when grouping begins, this value never appears in results.


Standard grouped protein list using parsimony / Occam’s razor.


Protein family grouping using Hierarchical Clustering.

◆ eScoring

enum eScoring

Determine whether to use MudPIT or standard (pre-Mascot 2.2) scoring.

See Using enumerated values and static const ints in Perl, Java, Python and C#.


Use MudPIT when the ratio of the number of spectra to the number of entries in the database is greater than the threshold.


Always use MudPIT.


Never use MudPIT.

◆ eSpectralLibrary

For integrated FASTA and Spectral Library search, determines the default result display option.

See Using enumerated values and static const ints in Perl, Java, Python and C#.


Attribute was not set.


Display FASTA search results only.


Display spectral library results only.


Display integrated results report.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ms_distiller_data_search()

ms_distiller_data_search ( const std::string &  taskId,
bool  isLoaded,
const std::string &  cacheFileName,
const std::string &  quantMethodXml,
const std::string &  mascotServerURL,
const std::string &  mascotServerVersion,
unsigned int  flags,
unsigned int  flags2,
bool  requireBoldRed,
bool  showSameset,
double  showSubset,
bool  loadUnassigned,
double  significanceThreshold,
eScoring  scoring,
int  reporttop,
bool  errTolPeptide,
eGrouping  proteinGrouping,
bool  percolator,
double  scoreExpectCutOff,
bool  showSamesetFamily,
bool  showSubsetFamily,
eSpectralLibrary  libraryDisplayOption,
bool  percolatorUseProteins,
bool  percolatorUseRT,
int  minPepLenInPepSummary,
bool  isTargetFDR = false,
const std::string &  targetFDRType = "",
const std::string &  targetFDRStr = "",
const std::string &  mlAdapterSettings = "" 

Constructor with all values.

taskIdcomes from the TaskID attribute in the <MascotSearch> element
isLoadedcomes from the Loaded attribute in the <MascotSearch> element
cacheFileNamecomes from the cacheFileName attribute in the <MascotSearch> element
quantMethodXmlcomes from the quantMethod attribute in the <MascotImportOptions> element
mascotServerURLcomes from the URL attribute in the <Server> element for the 'Default' server in the <MascotServers> element
mascotServerVersioncomes from the Version attribute in the <Server> element for the 'Default' server in the <MascotServers> element
flagsare the ms_mascotresults::FLAGS that would be passed to a ms_peptidesummary constructor
flags2are the ms_peptidesummary::MSPEPSUM flags that would be passed to a ms_peptidesummary constructor
requireBoldRedcomes from the requireBoldRed attribute in the <blueOptions>
showSamesetcomes from the showSameset attribute in the <blueOptions>
showSubsetcomes from the showSubset attribute in the <blueOptions>
loadUnassignedcomes from the loadUnassignedList attribute in the <blueOptions>
significanceThresholdcomes from the significanceThresholdStr attribute in the <blueOptions>
scoringcomes from the scoringType attribute in the <blueOptions>
reporttopcomes from the reportTop attribute in the <blueOptions>
errTolPeptidecomes from the ErrTolPeptide attribute in the <blueOptions>
proteinGroupingcomes from the proteinGrouping attribute in the <blueOptions>
percolatorcomes from the percolator attribute in the <blueOptions>
scoreExpectCutOffcomes from the ScoreExpectCutOff attribute in the <blueOptions>
showSamesetFamilycomes from the showSamesetFamily attribute in the <blueOptions>
showSubsetFamilycomes from the showSubsetFamily attribute in the <blueOptions>
libraryDisplayOptioncomes from the spectralLibraryDisplayOption attribute in the <blueOptions>
percolatorUseProteinscomes from the percolatorUseProteins attribute in the <blueOptions>
percolatorUseRTcomes from the percolatorUseRT attribute in the <blueOptions>
minPepLenInPepSummarycomes from the minPepLenInPepSummary attribute in the <blueOptions>
isTargetFDRcomes from the "use" attribute in the <targetFDR> [default=false]
targetFDRTypecomes from the "fdrType" attribute in the <targetFDR> [default=empty string]
targetFDRStrcomes from the "targetFDRStr" attribute in the <targetFDR> [default=empty string]
mlAdapterSettingscomes from the "machineLearningAdapterSettings" attribute in the <blueOptions> [default=empty string]

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCacheFileName()

std::string getCacheFileName ( ) const

Return the name of the cache file used by Parser.

Default value: empty string

Obtained from the cacheFileName attribute in the <MascotSearch> element.

The name of the cache file used by Parser.

◆ getErrTolPeptide()

bool getErrTolPeptide ( ) const

Return true if the peptide search used error tolerant matching.

Default value: false

Obtained from the ErrTolPeptide attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

True if the peptide result was generated by an error tolerant Mascot search.

◆ getFDRCountType()

ms_mascotresults::DECOY_STATS_COUNT_TYPE getFDRCountType ( ) const

Returns the value of getTargetFDRType() transposed to the ms_mascotresults::DECOY_STATS_COUNT_TYPE enum.

Default value ms_mascotresults::DECOY_STATS_COUNT_TYPE::DS_COUNT_PSM

The target FDR type expressed as ms_mascotresults::DECOY_STATS_COUNT_TYPE

◆ getLoaded()

bool getLoaded ( ) const

Returns true if the search data was currently loaded when the Distiller data was saved.

Default value: false

Obtained from the Loaded attribute in the <MascotSearch> element.

True if the search was loaded when the Distiller data was saved.

◆ getLoadUnassigned()

bool getLoadUnassigned ( ) const

Return true if the unassigned list should be loaded when opening the result.

Default value: false

Obtained from the loadUnassignedList attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

True if the unassigned list should be loaded, false if not.

◆ getMachineLearningAdapterSettings()

std::string getMachineLearningAdapterSettings ( ) const

Returns any machine learning adapter settings.

Default value: empty string Obtained from the machineLearningAdapterSettings attribute in <blueoptions> element

The machine learning adapter settings string used with Percolator

◆ getMascotSearchURL()

std::string getMascotSearchURL ( const std::string &  resultsFilePath) const

Return the URL for the search on the Mascot Server.

Default value: empty string

Built up on the fly from all the settings.

The URL will always specify rather than, even for a PMF

resultsFilePathis, for example: "../data/2018010/F0012345.dat"
the URL for the search on the Mascot Server

◆ getMinPepLenInPepSummary()

int getMinPepLenInPepSummary ( ) const

Return the minimum length of a peptide to be shown in a peptide summary.

Default value: 5

Obtained from the minPepLenInPepSummary attribute in the <blueoptions> element which was added in Parser 2.7

the minimum length of a peptide to be shown in a peptide summary

◆ getPeptideSummaryFlags()

unsigned int getPeptideSummaryFlags ( ) const

Return the default flags values to pass to the peptide summary constructor (as used in Distiller).

The flags settings are a collection of values, bitwise or-ed together, from the FLAGS enumeration of ms_mascotresults.

Ideally, this function would call ms_mascotresfilebase::get_ms_mascotresults_params but we don't have a ms_mascotresfilebase object available.

The peptide summary flags settings.

◆ getPeptideSummaryFlags2()

unsigned int getPeptideSummaryFlags2 ( ) const

Return the default flags2 values to pass to the peptide summary constructor (as used in Distiller).

The flags2 settings are a collection of values, bitwise or-ed together, from the MSPEPSUM enumeration of ms_peptidesummary.

The peptide summary flags2 settings.

◆ getPercolator()

bool getPercolator ( ) const

Return true if the percolator is in use.

Default value: false

Obtained from the percolator attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

True if percolator re-scoring was used.

◆ getPercolatorUseProteins()

bool getPercolatorUseProteins ( ) const

Return true if percolator is set to set proteins for 'scoring'.

Default value: false

Obtained from the percolatorUseProteins attribute in the <blueoptions> element which was added in Parser 2.7

true if percolator is set to set proteins for 'scoring'

◆ getPercolatorUseRT()

bool getPercolatorUseRT ( ) const

Return true if percolator will calculate and use retention times.

Default value: false

Obtained from the percolatorUseRT attribute in the <blueoptions> element which was added in Parser 2.7

true if percolator will calculate and use retention times.

◆ getProteinGrouping()

ms_distiller_data_search::eGrouping getProteinGrouping ( ) const

Return the method of protein grouping that was used.

Default value: ms_distiller_data_search::eGroupAuto

Obtained from the proteinGrouping attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

The method of protein grouping that was used.

◆ getQuantMethodXml()

std::string getQuantMethodXml ( ) const

The XML text for the quantitation method, if any.

Default value: empty string

Obtained from the quantMethod attribute in the <MascotImportOptions> element.

This text can be loaded into a ms_quant_configfile using ms_quant_configfile::read_buffer().

The XML text containing the quantitation method, if any.

◆ getReporttop()

int getReporttop ( ) const

Return the number of protein hits to include in the results.

Default value: 0

Obtained from the reportTop attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

The number of protein hits to include in the results.

◆ getRequireBoldRed()

bool getRequireBoldRed ( ) const

Return true if bold, red font should be used.

Default value: false

Obtained from the requireBoldRed attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

True if bold, red font should be used.

◆ getScoreExpectCutOff()

double getScoreExpectCutOff ( ) const

Return the score cutoff threshold value.

Default value: 0

Obtained from the ScoreExpectCutOff attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

The score cutoff threshold value.

◆ getScoring()

ms_distiller_data_search::eScoring getScoring ( ) const

Return the method of scoring that was used.

Default value: ms_distiller_data_search::eAuto

Obtained from the scoringType attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

The method of scoring that was used.

◆ getShowSamesets()

bool getShowSamesets ( ) const

Return true if same set matches should be shown for peptide and protein summary reports.

Default value: true

Obtained from the showSameset attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

True if same set protein matches should be displayed, false if not

◆ getShowSamesetsFamily()

bool getShowSamesetsFamily ( ) const

Return true if same set matches should be shown for protein family summary reports.

Default value: true

Obtained from the showSamesetFamily attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

True if same set protein matches should be displayed, false if not

◆ getShowSubset()

double getShowSubset ( ) const

Return the threshold used to determine if a subset should be shown.

Default value: 0

Obtained from the showSubset attribute in the <blueoptions> element. This value is base 64 eoncoded in the xml file.

The threshold used to determine if a subset should be shown.

◆ getShowSubsetFamily()

bool getShowSubsetFamily ( ) const

Return true if family subsets should be shown.

Default value: false

Obtained from the showSubsetFamily attribute in the <blueoptions> element.

True if family subsets should be shown.

◆ getSignificanceThreshold()

double getSignificanceThreshold ( ) const

Return the minimum probabilty threshold in use.

Default value:

Obtained from the significanceThreshold attribute in the <blueoptions> element which is a base 64 encoded value. If that isn't present, get the value from the significanceThresholdStr attribute.

The minimum probability threshold setting.

◆ getSpectralLibraryDisplayOption()

ms_distiller_data_search::eSpectralLibrary getSpectralLibraryDisplayOption ( ) const

Returns the spectral library display option for the report.

Default value: ms_distiller_data_search::eUnknown

Obtained from the spectralLibraryDisplayOption attribute in the <blueoptions> element which was added in Parser 2.7.

The value in the XML should be one of: "fasta", "library" or "integrated".

The spectral library results display option

◆ getTargetFDR()

double getTargetFDR ( ) const

Returns the numeric target fdr.

Default value 0: Obtained from the targetFDRStr attribute in <targetFDR> element

The targetFDR

◆ getTargetFDRStr()

std::string getTargetFDRStr ( ) const

Returns the encoded target fdr for the targetFDR attribute.

Default value: empty string Obtained from the targetFDRStr attribute in <targetFDR> element The Base64 encoded target FDR

The targetFDRStr results display option

◆ getTargetFDRType()

std::string getTargetFDRType ( ) const

Returns the fdrType option for the targetFDR attribute.

Default value: empty string Obtained from the fdrType attribute in <targetFDR> element Should be one of either "psm" or "sequence" if set

The fdrType results display option

◆ getTaskId()

std::string getTaskId ( ) const

The task ID of the Mascot search.

Default value: empty string

Obtained from the TaskID attribute in the <MascotSearch> element.

The task ID of the Mascot search.

◆ isTargetFDR()

bool isTargetFDR ( ) const

Returns the "use" option for the targetFDR attribute.

Default value: false Obtained from the use attribute in <targetFDR> element

True if TargetFDR has been set and enabled, false if not

◆ serverVersionNewerOrSameAs()

bool serverVersionNewerOrSameAs ( int  major,
int  minor,
int  patch 
) const

Compare the version of the Mascot Server with the specified values.

majoris, for example 2 for version 2.5.1
minoris, for example 5 for version 2.5.1
patchis, for example 1 for version 2.5.1
true if the version saved in this object is a newer version than the passed major and minor values passed

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: