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Articles tagged: automation

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Posted by Richard Jacob (June 16, 2023)

Mascot Daemon Export Extender

Mascot Daemon has two features to help with automation and creating pipelines. The first is the AutoExport feature that allows you to configure and export a report into a CSV file, mzIdentML file or other format that Mascot Server supports with the options you choose. This happens once the search is complete. The lesser known but more powerful feature is [...]

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Posted by Richard Jacob (March 15, 2019)

Back to basics 4: Mascot Daemon

Mascot Daemon is a client to Mascot Server that can automate the processing of raw data to peak lists and submit multiple searches to a central Mascot Server. It is included with the Mascot Server licence and can be installed on as many computers in the lab as you like. Processing raw data files will use CPU resources, so you [...]

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