An instance of this class represents all the parameters specified in the Options section of mascot.dat
#include <ms_mascotoptions.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
ms_mascotoptions () | |
Default constructor. | |
ms_mascotoptions (const ms_mascotoptions &src) | |
Copying constructor. | |
~ms_mascotoptions () | |
Destructor. | |
void | appendIgnoreDupeAccession (const std::string value) |
Appends a database to the list databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions. | |
void | appendProperty (const char *name, const char *value, const char *delimiter, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Adds a new property with the given parameters. | |
void | appendReportNumberChoice (const int value) |
Append a value to the ReportNumberChoices list. | |
void | appendTargetFDRPercentage (const double value, const bool makeDefault=false) |
Append a value to the TargetFDRPercentages list. | |
void | appendText (const char *line, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Adds a new non-parsed property. | |
void | clearIgnoreDupeAccessions () |
Clears the list of databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions. | |
void | clearReportNumberChoices () |
Deletes all ReportNumberChoices values from the list. | |
void | clearTargetFDRPercentages () |
Deletes all TargetFDRPercentages values from the list. | |
void | copyFrom (const ms_customproperty *src) |
Copies all properties and comments from another instance. | |
void | copyFrom (const ms_mascotoptions *right) |
Can be used to create a copy of another object. | |
void | defaultValues () |
Initialises the instance with default values. | |
void | delNonEmpty () |
Deletes all non-comment properties. | |
void | delProp (const char *name) |
Deletes all properties with the specified name. | |
void | delPropByNumber (const int index) |
Deletes a single property with the specified number only. | |
void | delPropStart (const char *nameBeginning) |
Deletes all properties whose names start with the given string. | |
int | findProperty (const char *name, const int startFrom=0) const |
Searches the list for a property with the given name. | |
int | findPropertyBeginning (const char *nameBeginning, const int startFrom=0) const |
Searches the list for a property with the partially matching name. | |
std::string | getCacheDirectory () const |
Returns the value of CacheDirectory. | |
double | getCentroidWidth () const |
Returns the value of CentroidWidth. | |
int | getCentroidWidthCount () const |
Returns the value of CentroidWidthCount. | |
std::string | getCompressToolAA () const |
Returns the value of CompressTool_AA. | |
std::string | getCompressToolCommandLineFasta (DATABASE_TYPE dbType, const std::string &dbname, const std::string &dbpath) const |
Get command line to compress fasta, eg ms-compress.exe. | |
std::string | getCompressToolCommandLineLibrary (const std::string &logfilepath, const std::string &inputfile, const std::string &outputdirectory) const |
Get command line to compress library, eg lib2nistcl.exe. | |
std::string | getCompressToolNA () const |
Returns the value of CompressTool_NA. | |
std::string | getCompressToolSL () const |
Returns the value of CompressTool_NA. | |
int | getCrawlerNumPeaksPer100Da () const |
Returns the number of peaks to output in each 100 Da window for the library crawler. | |
int | getCreatePipThreadBlockSize () const |
Returns the value of CreatePipThreadBlockSize. | |
int | getCreatePipThreads () const |
Returns the value of CreatePipThreads. | |
int | getDechargeFragmentPeaks () const |
Return the maximum fragment ion charge state to be decharged. | |
int | getDecoyTypeNoEnzyme () const |
Returns the value of DecoyTypeNoEnzyme. | |
int | getDecoyTypeSpecific () const |
Returns the value of DecoyTypeSpecific. | |
std::string | getDefaultDelimiter () const |
Return current default delimiter string used for parsing/storing properties. | |
std::string | getDelimiterByNumber (const int index) const |
Returns a specific delimiter used for the property. | |
int | getDisplayNonSignificantMatches () const |
Returns the value of DisplayNonSignificantMatches. | |
std::string | getEmailFromTextName () const |
Returns the value of EmailFromTextName. | |
std::string | getEmailFromUser () const |
Returns the value of EmailFromUser. | |
std::string | getEmailPassword () const |
Returns the value of EmailPassword. | |
std::string | getEmailProfile () const |
Returns the value of EmailProfile. | |
std::string | getEmailService () const |
Returns the value of EmailService. | |
int | getEmailTimeOutPeriod () const |
Returns the value of EmailTimeOutPeriod. | |
std::string | getErrMessageEmailTo () const |
Returns the value of ErrMessageEmailTo. | |
std::string | getErrorLogFile () const |
Returns the value of ErrorLogFile. | |
int | getErrTolMaxAccessions () const |
Returns the value of ErrTolMaxAccessions. | |
int | getExecAfterSearch (const char *szResultsFilePath, std::vector< std::string > &commands, std::vector< std::string > &titles, std::vector< int > &waitfor, std::vector< int > &logging, std::vector< std::string > &additionalFlags, const char *sessionID=0, const char *taskID=0) const |
Returns the values of the ExecAfterSearch_XXX parameters. | |
int | getFeatureTableLength () const |
Returns the value of FeatureTableLength. | |
double | getFeatureTableMinScore () const |
Returns the value of FeatureTableMinScore. | |
std::string | getFormVersion () const |
Returns the value of FormVersion. | |
const ms_blastaccession * | getGetSeqBlastAccession () const |
Returns GetSeqBlastAccession. | |
std::string | getGetSeqJobIdFile () const |
Returns the value of GetSeqJobIdFile. | |
std::string | getICATFilter () const |
Returns the value of ICATFilter. | |
std::string | getICATHeavy () const |
Returns the value of ICATHeavy. | |
std::string | getICATLight () const |
Returns the value of ICATLight. | |
std::string | getICATQuantitationMethod () const |
Returns the value of name of the ICATQuantitationMethod. | |
std::string | getIgnoreDupeAccession (const unsigned int index) const |
Returns one of the list databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions. | |
double | getIgnoreIonsScoreBelow () const |
Returns the value of IgnoreIonsScoreBelow. | |
int | getIntensitySigFigs () const |
Returns the value of IntensitySigFigs. | |
std::string | getInterFileBasePath () const |
Returns the value of InterFileBasePath. | |
std::string | getInterFileRelPath () const |
Returns the value of InterFileRelPath. | |
int | getIonsDecimalPlaces () const |
Returns the value of IonsDecimalPlaces. | |
std::string | getLastQueryAscFile () const |
Returns the value of LastQueryAscFile. | |
std::string | getLogoImageFile () const |
Returns the value of LogoImageFile. | |
std::string | getMailTempFile () const |
Returns the value of MailTempFile. | |
int | getMailTransport () const |
Returns the value of MailTransport. | |
std::string | getMascNodeCtrlFile () const |
Returns the value of MascotNodeControlFile. | |
std::string | getMascotCmdLine () const |
Returns the value of MascotCmdLine. | |
std::string | getMascotControlFile () const |
Returns the value of MascotControlFile. | |
int | getMascotFileProcessingThreads () const |
Returns the value of MascotFileProcessingThreads. | |
std::string | getMascotJobIdFile () const |
Returns the value of MascotJobIdFile. | |
std::string | getMascotMessage () const |
Returns the value of MascotMessage. | |
int | getMassDecimalPlaces () const |
Returns the value of MassDecimalPlaces. | |
int | getMaxConcurrentSearches () const |
Returns the value of MaxConcurrentSearches. | |
int | getMaxDatabases () const |
Returns the value of MaxDatabases. | |
int | getMaxDescriptionLen () const |
Returns the value of MaxDescriptionLen. | |
double | getMaxEtagMassDelta () const |
Returns the value of MaxEtagMassDelta. | |
int | getMaxEtVarMods () const |
Returns the value of MaxEtVarMods. | |
int | getMaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides () const |
Returns the value of MaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides. | |
int | getMaxNumOfReportBuilderColumnArrangements () const |
Returns the maximum number of column arrangements allowed. | |
int | getMaxNumPeptides () const |
Returns the value of MaxNumPeptides. | |
int | getMaxPepModArrangements () const |
Returns the value of MaxPepModArrangements. | |
int | getMaxPepNumModifiedSites () const |
Returns value of the MaxPepNumModifiedSites. | |
int | getMaxPepNumVarMods () const |
Returns value of the MaxPepNumVarMods. | |
int | getMaxQueries () const |
Returns the value of MaxQueries. | |
int | getMaxSearchesPerUser () const |
Returns the value of MaxSearchesPerUser. | |
int | getMaxSequenceLen () const |
Returns the value of MaxSequenceLen. | |
int | getMaxVarMods () const |
Returns the value of MaxVarMods. | |
double | getMinEtagMassDelta () const |
Returns the value of MinEtagMassDelta. | |
int | getMinPepLenInPepSummary () const |
Returns the value of MinPepLenInPepSummary. | |
int | getMinPepLenInSearch () const |
Returns value of the MinPepLenInSearch. | |
int | getMonitorEmailCheckFreq () const |
Returns the value of MonitorEmailCheckFreq. | |
std::string | getMonitorLogFile () const |
Returns the value of MonitorLogFile. | |
std::string | getMonitorPidFile () const |
Returns the value of MonitorPidFile. | |
int | getMonitorTestTimeout () const |
Returns the value of MonitorTestTimeout. | |
int | getMudpit () const |
Returns the value of Mudpit. | |
double | getMudpitSwitch () const |
Returns the value of MudpitSwitch. | |
std::string | getNoResultsScript () const |
Returns the value of NoResultsScript. | |
std::string | getNTIUserGroup () const |
Returns the value of NTIUserGroup. | |
std::string | getNTMonitorGroup () const |
Returns the value of NTMonitorGroup. | |
unsigned int | getNumberOfIgnoreDupeAccessions () const |
Returns the number of databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions. | |
int | getNumberOfProperties () const |
Returns a total number of property/comment entries. | |
int | getNumberOfReportNumberChoices () const |
Returns the values of ReportNumberChoices. | |
int | getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages () const |
Returns the values of TargetFDRPercentages. | |
std::string | getPepSearchTool () const |
Returns the value of LibrarySearch. | |
std::string | getPepSearchToolCommandLine (const std::string &peptideToleranceUnit, const double &peptideTolerance, const std::string &ionToleranceUnit, const double &ionTolerance, const std::string &libraryDirectoryPath, const std::string &inputFileRelativePath, const std::string &outputFileRelativePath) const |
Get command line to search a library, eg MSPepSearch.exe. | |
std::string | getPercolatorExeFlags (bool anyRetentionTimes, const std::vector< std::string > percolatorFiles, const PERC_EXE_RT rt=PERC_EXE_RT_USE_DEFAULT) const |
Returns the value of PercolatorExeFlags. | |
std::string | getPercolatorFeatures () const |
Returns the value of PercolatorFeatures. | |
int | getPercolatorMinQueries () const |
Returns the value of PercolatorMinQueries. | |
int | getPercolatorMinSequences () const |
Returns the value of PercolatorMinSequences. | |
std::string | getPercolatorRtFlags (const bool anyRetentionTimes, const bool useRT) const |
Returns PercolatorExeFlags with the -D flag optionally removed if there are no retention times. | |
double | getPercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold () const |
Returns the value of PercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold. | |
int | getPercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold () const |
Returns the value of PercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold. | |
std::string | getPreceedingComments () const |
Returns any comments preceeding the section. | |
double | getPrecursorCutOutLowerLimit () const |
Gets the first PrecursorCutOut. | |
double | getPrecursorCutOutUpperLimit () const |
Gets the second PrecursorCutOut. | |
std::string | getPropertyName (const int index) const |
Returns a property name for a given index. | |
std::string | getPropValStringByName (const char *name) const |
Retrieves property value by name. | |
std::string | getPropValStringByNumber (const int index) const |
Retrieves property raw text values by number. | |
int | getProteinFamilySwitch () const |
Returns the value of ProteinFamilySwitch. | |
int | getProteinsInResultsFile () const |
Returns the value of ProteinsInResultsFile. | |
std::string | getProxyPassword () const |
Returns the value of proxy_password. | |
std::string | getProxyServer () const |
Returns the value of proxy_server. | |
std::string | getProxyType () const |
Returns the value of ProxyType. | |
std::string | getProxyUsername () const |
Returns the value of proxy_username. | |
std::string | getReportBuilderColumnArrangement (const int index) const |
Returns ReportBuilderColumnArrangement by number. | |
int | getReportNumberChoice (const int index) const |
Returns an element of the ReportNumberChoices list by its number. | |
std::string | getResfileCache () const |
Returns the value of ResfileCache. | |
std::string | getResultsCache () const |
Returns the value of ResultsCache. | |
std::string | getResultsFileFormatVersion () const |
Returns the value of ResultsFileFormatVersion. | |
std::string | getResultsFullURL () const |
Returns the value of ResultsFullURL. | |
std::string | getResultsFullURL_2 () const |
Returns the value of ResultsFullURL_2. | |
std::string | getResultsPerlScript () const |
Returns the value of ResultsPerlScript. | |
std::string | getResultsPerlScript_2 () const |
Returns the value of ResultsPerlScript_2. | |
bool | getReviewColDisplay (const MS_REVIEW_COL index) const |
Returns ReviewColDisplay by number. | |
int | getReviewColWidth (const MS_REVIEW_COL index) const |
Returns ReviewColWidths by number. | |
std::string | getSearchLogFile () const |
Returns the value of SearchLogFile. | |
std::string | getSearchSubmitAcceptedFileTypes () const |
Returns a list of accepted input file types in the Mascot search form. | |
std::string | getSearchSubmitDefaultPeptideCharge () const |
Returns the value in the CHARGE parameter when the peptide charge control is hidden in the search form. | |
std::string | getSearchSubmitMode () const |
Returns the Mascot search submission mode. | |
std::string | getSearchSubmitOutputFormat () const |
Returns the Mascot search submission output format. | |
int | getSelectSwitch () const |
Returns the value of SelectSwitch. | |
std::string | getSendmailPath () const |
Returns the value of sendmailPath. | |
double | getShowSubsets () const |
Returns the value of ShowSubSets. | |
double | getSigThreshold () const |
Returns the value of SigThreshold. | |
double | getSiteAnalysisMD10Prob () const |
Returns the value of SiteAnalysisMD10Prob. | |
std::string | getSortUnassigned () const |
Returns the value of SortUnassigned. | |
int | getSpectraPerLibraryBlock () const |
Returns the number of spectra in a spectral library block. | |
std::vector< std::string > | getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeNames () const |
Returns the names of all colour schemes (SpectrumViewerColourScheme). | |
std::string | getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeString (const std::string &name) const |
Returns SpectrumViewerColourScheme by name. | |
std::string | getSpectrumViewerDefaultColourSchemeName () const |
Return the name of the default colour scheme (SpectrumViewerDefaultColourScheme). | |
int | getSplitDataFileSize () const |
Returns the value of SplitDataFileSize. | |
int | getSplitNumberOfQueries () const |
Returns the value of SplitNumberOfQueries. | |
int | getSVGSpectrumSwitch () const |
Returns the value of SVGSpectrumSwitch. | |
double | getTargetFDRPercentage (const int index) const |
Returns an element of the TargetFDRPercentages list by its number. | |
std::string | getTaxBrowserUrl () const |
Returns value of the TaxBrowserUrl. | |
std::string | getTestDirectory () const |
Returns the value of TestDirectory. | |
int | getUniqueJobStartNumber () const |
Returns the value of UniqueJobStartNumber. | |
int | getUnixDirPerm () const |
Returns the value of UnixDirPerm. | |
int | getUnixWebUserGroup () const |
Returns the value of UnixWebUserGroup. | |
INT64 | getVmemory () const |
Returns the value of Vmemory. | |
bool | isAlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile () const |
Returns the value of AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile. | |
bool | isAlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch () const |
Returns true if Mascot always runs an automatic target-decoy search. | |
bool | isAutoSelectCharge () const |
Returns the value of AutoSelectCharge. | |
bool | isClientResultFileMimeRefining () const |
Returns true if the client API command result_file_mime and result_file_mime2 default to returning refined results, not original database results. | |
bool | isCreateLegacyModAndSubstitutionFiles () const |
Returns true if Mascot Monitor creates legacy files containing modification definitions. | |
bool | isDefaultTargetFDRPercentage (const int index) const |
Returns true if the element of TargetFDRPercentages is a default value. | |
bool | isEmailErrorsEnabled () const |
Returns the value of EmailErrorsEnabled. | |
bool | isEmailUsersEnabled () const |
Returns the value of EmailUsersEnabled. | |
bool | isForkForUnixApache () const |
Returns the value of ForkForUnixApache. | |
bool | isInIgnoreDupeAccessionList (const std::string value) const |
Checks to see if the passed database name is in the list databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions. | |
bool | isIteratePMFIntensities () const |
Returns value of the IteratePMFIntensities. | |
bool | isLabelAll () const |
Returns the value of LabelAll. | |
bool | isMatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs () const |
Returns the value of MatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs. | |
bool | isMoveOldDbToOldDir () const |
Returns the value of MoveOldDbToOldDir. | |
bool | isPercolator () const |
Returns the value of Percolator. | |
bool | isPercolatorUseProteins () const |
Returns the value of PercolatorUseProteins. | |
bool | isPercolatorUseRT () const |
Returns the value of PercolatorUseRT. | |
bool | isRemoveOldIndexFiles () const |
Returns the value of RemoveOldIndexFiles. | |
bool | isRequireBoldRed () const |
Returns the value of RequireBoldRed. | |
bool | isSaveEveryLastQueryAsc () const |
Returns the value of SaveEveryLastQueryAsc. | |
bool | isSaveLastQueryAsc () const |
Returns the value of SaveLastQueryAsc. | |
bool | isSectionAvailable () const |
Indicates whether the section has been actually read from the file. | |
bool | isShowAllFromErrorTolerant () const |
Returns the value of ShowAllFromErrorTolerant. | |
bool | isShowSubsets () const |
Returns the value of ShowSubSets. | |
bool | isStoreModPermutations () const |
Returns the value of StoreModPermutations. | |
bool | isUnixDirPermDefined () const |
Returns true if the UnixDirPerm value is defined. | |
bool | isUseHTTPProxyForFTP () const |
Returns the value of UseHTTPProxyForFTP. | |
bool | isUseHTTPProxyForHTTPS () const |
Returns the value of UseHTTPProxyForHTTPS. | |
ms_mascotoptions & | operator= (const ms_mascotoptions &right) |
C++ style assignment operator. | |
void | setAlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile (const bool value) |
Sets the value of AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile. | |
void | setAlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch (const bool value) |
Sets AlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch. | |
void | setAutoSelectCharge (const bool value) |
Sets AutoSelectCharge. | |
void | setCacheDirectory (const char *value) |
Sets CacheDirectory. | |
void | setCentroidWidth (const double value) |
Sets CentroidWidth. | |
void | setCentroidWidthCount (const int value) |
Sets CentroidWidthCount. | |
void | setClientResultFileMimeRefining (const bool value) |
Set the client API command behaviour for result_file_mime and result_file_mime2. | |
void | setCompressToolAA (const std::string value) |
Sets CompressTool_AA. | |
void | setCompressToolNA (const std::string value) |
Sets CompressTool_NA. | |
void | setCompressToolSL (const std::string value) |
Sets CompressTool_NA. | |
void | setCrawlerNumPeaksPer100Da (const int value) |
Sets the number of peaks to output in each 100 Da window for the library crawler. | |
void | setCreateLegacyModAndSubstitutionFiles (const bool value) |
Sets an option for backwards compatibility with very old software. | |
void | setCreatePipThreadBlockSize (const int blockSize) |
Sets CreatePipThreadBlockSize. | |
void | setCreatePipThreads (const int nThreads) |
Sets CreatePipThreads. | |
void | setDechargeFragmentPeaks (const int maxCharge) |
Sets the maximum fragment ion charge state to be decharged. | |
void | setDecoyTypeNoEnzyme (const int value) |
Sets DecoyTypeNoEnzyme. | |
void | setDecoyTypeSpecific (const int value) |
Sets DecoyTypeSpecific. | |
void | setDefaultDelimiter (const char *delim) |
Allows to set a specific delimiter string to be used when no property-specific delimiter is supplied. | |
void | setDefaultTargetFDRPercentage (const int index) |
Makes an element of TargetFDRPercentages at the given index the default value. | |
void | setDisplayNonSignificantMatches (const int value) |
Sets DisplayNonSignificantMatches. | |
void | setEmailErrorsEnabled (const bool value) |
Sets EmailErrorsEnabled. | |
void | setEmailFromTextName (const char *str) |
Sets EmailFromTextName. | |
void | setEmailFromUser (const char *str) |
Sets EmailFromUser. | |
void | setEmailPassword (const char *str) |
Sets EmailPassword. | |
void | setEmailProfile (const char *str) |
Sets EmailPassword. | |
void | setEmailService (const char *str) |
Sets EmailService. | |
void | setEmailTimeOutPeriod (const int value) |
Sets EmailTimeOutPeriod. | |
void | setEmailUsersEnabled (const bool value) |
Sets EmailUsersEnabled. | |
void | setErrMessageEmailTo (const char *str) |
Sets ErrMessageEmailTo. | |
void | setErrorLogFile (const char *str) |
Sets ErrorLogFile path. | |
void | setErrTolMaxAccessions (const int value) |
Sets ErrTolMaxAccessions. | |
void | setExecAfterSearch (const int num, std::string value) |
Sets ExecAfterSearch_XXX. | |
void | setFeatureTableLength (const int value) |
Sets FeatureTableLength. | |
void | setFeatureTableMinScore (const double value) |
Sets FeatureTableMinScore. | |
void | setForkForUnixApache (const bool value) |
Sets ForkForUnixApache. | |
void | setFormVersion (const char *str) |
Sets FormVersion. | |
void | setGetSeqBlastAccession (const ms_blastaccession *value) |
Sets GetSeqBlastAccession. | |
void | setGetSeqJobIdFile (const char *str) |
Sets GetSeqJobIdFile. | |
void | setICATFilter (const char *filterString) |
Sets ICATFilter. | |
void | setICATHeavy (const char *modName) |
Sets ICATHeavy. | |
void | setICATLight (const char *modName) |
Sets ICATLight. | |
void | setICATQuantitationMethod (const char *methodName) |
Sets ICATQuantitationMethod. | |
void | setIgnoreDupeAccession (const unsigned int index, const std::string value) |
Sets an item in the IgnoreDupeAccessions list by its index. | |
void | setIgnoreIonsScoreBelow (const double value) |
Sets IgnoreIonsScoreBelow. | |
void | setIntensitySigFigs (const int value) |
Sets IntensitySigFigs. | |
void | setInterFileBasePath (const char *str) |
Sets InterFileBasePath. | |
void | setInterFileRelPath (const char *str) |
Sets InterFileRelPath. | |
void | setIonsDecimalPlaces (const int value) |
Sets IonsDecimalPlaces. | |
void | setIteratePMFIntensities (const bool value) |
Sets IteratePMFIntensities. | |
void | setLabelAll (const bool value) |
Sets LabelAll. | |
void | setLastQueryAscFile (const char *str) |
Sets LastQueryAscFile to the passed value. | |
void | setLogoImageFile (const char *str) |
Sets LogoImageFile. | |
void | setMailTempFile (const char *str) |
Sets MailTempFile. | |
void | setMailTransport (const int value) |
Sets MailTransport. | |
void | setMascNodeCtrlFile (const char *str) |
Sets MascNodeCtrlFile. | |
void | setMascotCmdLine (const char *str) |
Sets MascotCmdLine. | |
void | setMascotControlFile (const char *str) |
Sets MascotControlFile. | |
void | setMascotFileProcessingThreads (const int value) |
Sets MascotFileProcessingThreads. | |
void | setMascotJobIdFile (const char *str) |
Sets MascotJobIdFile. | |
void | setMascotMessage (const char *str) |
Sets MascotMessage. | |
void | setMassDecimalPlaces (const int value) |
Sets MassDecimalPlaces. | |
void | setMatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs (const bool value) |
Sets MatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs. | |
void | setMaxConcurrentSearches (const int value) |
Sets MaxConcurrentSearches. | |
void | setMaxDatabases (const int value) |
Sets MaxDatabases. | |
void | setMaxDescriptionLen (const int value) |
Sets MaxDescriptionLen. | |
void | setMaxEtagMassDelta (const double value) |
Sets MaxEtagMassDelta. | |
void | setMaxEtVarMods (const int value) |
Sets MaxEtVarMods. | |
void | setMaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides (const int value) |
Sets MaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides. | |
void | setMaxNumPeptides (const int value) |
Sets MaxNumPeptides. | |
void | setMaxPepModArrangements (const int value) |
Sets MaxPepModArrangements. | |
void | setMaxPepNumModifiedSites (const int value) |
Sets MaxPepNumModifiedSites. | |
void | setMaxPepNumVarMods (const int value) |
Sets MaxPepNumVarMods. | |
void | setMaxQueries (const int value) |
Sets MaxQueries. | |
void | setMaxSearchesPerUser (const int value) |
Sets MaxSearchesPerUser. | |
void | setMaxSequenceLen (const int value) |
Sets MaxSequenceLen. | |
void | setMaxVarMods (const int value) |
Sets MaxVarMods. | |
void | setMinEtagMassDelta (const double value) |
Sets MinEtagMassDelta. | |
void | setMinPepLenInPepSummary (const int value) |
Sets MinPepLenInPepSummary. | |
void | setMinPepLenInSearch (const int value) |
Sets MinPepLenInSearch. | |
void | setMonitorEmailCheckFreq (const int value) |
Sets MonitorEmailCheckFreq. | |
void | setMonitorLogFile (const char *str) |
Sets MonitorLogFile. | |
void | setMonitorPidFile (const char *str) |
Sets MonitorPidFile. | |
void | setMonitorTestTimeout (const int value) |
Sets MonitorTestTimeout. | |
void | setMoveOldDbToOldDir (const bool value) |
Sets MoveOldDbToOldDir. | |
void | setMudpit (const int value) |
Sets Mudpit. | |
void | setMudpitSwitch (const double value) |
Sets MudpitSwitch. | |
void | setNoResultsScript (const char *str) |
Sets NoResultsScript. | |
void | setNTIUserGroup (const char *str) |
Sets NTIUserGroup. | |
void | setNTMonitorGroup (const char *str) |
Sets NTMonitorGroup. | |
void | setPepSearchTool (const std::string value) |
Sets LibrarySearch. | |
void | setPercolator (const bool value) |
Sets Percolator. | |
void | setPercolatorExeFlags (const char *value) |
Sets PercolatorExeFlags. | |
void | setPercolatorFeatures (std::string value) |
Sets PercolatorFeatures. | |
void | setPercolatorMinQueries (const int value) |
Sets PercolatorMinQueries. | |
void | setPercolatorMinSequences (const int value) |
Sets PercolatorMinSequences. | |
void | setPercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold (const double threshold) |
Sets PercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold. | |
void | setPercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold (const int threshold) |
Sets PercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold. | |
void | setPercolatorUseProteins (const bool value) |
Sets PercolatorUseProteins. | |
void | setPercolatorUseRT (const bool value) |
Sets PercolatorUseRT. | |
void | setPreceedingComments (const std::string &comments) |
Sets any comments preceeding the section. | |
void | setPrecursorCutOutLowerLimit (const double value) |
Sets the first PrecursorCutOut. | |
void | setPrecursorCutOutUpperLimit (const double value) |
Sets the second PrecursorCutOut. | |
void | setPropertyName (const int index, const char *name) |
Changes name of the property with the given index. | |
void | setPropValBoolByName (const char *name, const bool value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Changes a boolean value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found. | |
void | setPropValCharByName (const char *name, const char value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Changes a single character value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found. | |
void | setPropValFloatByName (const char *name, const double value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Changes an floating point value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found. | |
void | setPropValInt64ByName (const char *name, const INT64 value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Changes a long 64-bit integer value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found. | |
void | setPropValIntByName (const char *name, const int value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Changes an integer value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found. | |
void | setPropValStringByName (const char *name, const char *value, const bool bFirstPlace=false) |
Changes a string value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found. | |
void | setPropValStringByNumber (const int index, const char *value) |
Changes an string value of an existing property with the given index. | |
void | setProteinFamilySwitch (const int value) |
Sets ProteinFamilySwitch. | |
void | setProteinsInResultsFile (const int value) |
Sets ProteinsInResultsFile. | |
void | setProxyPassword (const char *str) |
Sets proxy_password. | |
void | setProxyServer (const char *str) |
Sets proxy_server. | |
void | setProxyType (const std::string &value) |
Sets ProxyType. | |
void | setProxyUsername (const char *str) |
Sets proxy_username. | |
void | setRemoveOldIndexFiles (const bool value) |
Sets RemoveOldIndexFiles. | |
void | setReportBuilderColumnArrangement (const int index, const std::string str) |
Sets ReportBuilderColumnArrangement. | |
void | setReportNumberChoice (const int index, const int value) |
Sets an element of the ReportNumberChoices list by its index. | |
void | setRequireBoldRed (const bool value) |
Sets RequireBoldRed. | |
void | setResfileCache (const char *value) |
Sets ResfileCache. | |
void | setResultsCache (const char *value) |
Sets ResultsCache. | |
void | setResultsFileFormatVersion (const char *value) |
Sets ResultsFileFormatVersion. | |
void | setResultsFullURL (const char *str) |
Sets ResultsFullURL. | |
void | setResultsFullURL_2 (std::string value) |
Sets ResultsFullURL_2. | |
void | setResultsPerlScript (const char *str) |
Sets ResultsPerlScript. | |
void | setResultsPerlScript_2 (std::string value) |
Sets ResultsPerlScript_2. | |
void | setReviewColDisplay (const MS_REVIEW_COL index, const bool value) |
Sets ReviewColDisplay. | |
void | setReviewColWidth (const MS_REVIEW_COL index, const int value) |
Sets ReviewColWidths. | |
void | setSaveEveryLastQueryAsc (const bool flag) |
Sets SaveEveryLastQueryAsc to 1 or 0. | |
void | setSaveLastQueryAsc (const bool flag) |
Sets SaveLastQueryAsc to 1 or 0. | |
void | setSearchLogFile (const char *str) |
Sets SearchLogFile. | |
void | setSearchSubmitAcceptedFileTypes (const std::string value) |
Sets the accepted input file types in the Mascot search form. | |
void | setSearchSubmitDefaultPeptideCharge (const std::string value) |
Sets the default peptide charge when not specified in the input file. | |
void | setSearchSubmitMode (const std::string value) |
Sets the Mascot search submission mode. | |
void | setSearchSubmitOutputFormat (const std::string value) |
Sets the Mascot search submission output format. | |
void | setSectionAvailable (const bool value) |
Changes availability of the section, i.e. whether it should be saved in a file. | |
void | setSelectSwitch (const int value) |
Sets SelectSwitch. | |
void | setSendmailPath (const char *str) |
Sets sendmailPath. | |
void | setShowAllFromErrorTolerant (const bool value) |
Sets ShowAllFromErrorTolerant. | |
void | setShowSubsets (const bool value) |
Sets ShowSubSets. | |
void | setShowSubsets (const double value) |
Sets ShowSubSets. | |
void | setSigThreshold (const double value) |
Set the SigThreshold. | |
void | setSiteAnalysisMD10Prob (const double value) |
Set the SiteAnalysisMD10Prob. | |
void | setSortUnassigned (const std::string newValue) |
Sets SortUnassigned. | |
void | setSpectraPerLibraryBlock (const int value) |
Sets the number of spectra in a spectral library block. | |
void | setSpectrumViewerColourSchemeString (const std::string &name, const std::string &str, bool doCheck=true) |
Sets SpectrumViewerColourScheme. | |
void | setSpectrumViewerDefaultColourSchemeName (const std::string &name) |
Sets the default colour scheme name (SpectrumViewerDefaultColourScheme). | |
void | setSplitDataFileSize (const int value) |
Sets SplitDataFileSize. | |
void | setSplitNumberOfQueries (const int value) |
Sets SplitNumberOfQueries. | |
void | setStoreModPermutations (const bool value) |
Sets StoreModPermutations. | |
void | setSVGSpectrumSwitch (const int value) |
Sets SVGSpectrumSwitch. | |
void | setTargetFDRPercentage (const int index, const double value, const bool makeDefault=false) |
Sets an element of the TargetFDRPercentages list by its index. | |
void | setTaxBrowserUrl (const std::string value) |
Sets TaxBrowserURL. | |
void | setTestDirectory (const char *str) |
Sets TestDirectory. | |
void | setUniqueJobStartNumber (const int value) |
Sets UniqueJobStartNumber. | |
void | setUnixDirPerm (const int value) |
Sets UnixDirPerm. | |
void | setUnixWebUserGroup (const int value) |
Sets UnixWebUserGroup. | |
void | setUseHTTPProxyForFTP (const bool value) |
Sets UseHTTPProxyForFTP. | |
void | setUseHTTPProxyForHTTPS (const bool value) |
Sets UseHTTPProxyForHTTPS. | |
void | setVmemory (const INT64 value) |
Sets Vmemory. | |
bool | uncommentProp (const int index, const char *delimeter=0) |
Uncomments a line in the configuration file. | |
An instance of this class represents all the parameters specified in the Options section of mascot.dat
An instance of this class is created and populated in ms_datfile.
It can also be created separately and initialized with default values. One can create an instance of the class or copy from another instance in order to pass it then as an options containing object.
For detailed information on any of the options please consult Mascot manual.
Also get yourselves acquainted with the base class ms_customproperty. It facilitates the following tasks:
More functionality is described in the documentation for ms_customproperty.
Definitions for how the decoy sequences are generated.
In Mascot 2.4 and later, DecoyTypeSpecific and DecoyTypeNoEnzyme control how the decoy database is generated. The strategies are based on the classification by G. Wang, et al. (2009), "Decoy Methods for Assessing False Positives and False Discovery Rates in Shotgun Proteomics", Anal Chem. 81(1):146-159 (doi: 10.1021/ac801664q).
There are four protein based strategies and four peptide based strategies.
The peptide based strategies are not supported for getDecoyTypeNoEnzyme() and if specified in mascot.dat, the corresponding protein based strategy will be returned.
For the peptide based strategies, with a semi-specific search, the protein sequences are generated in the same way as if the search was fully specific, rather than preserving the terminii of the non-specific terminus. A similar rule is applied for missed cleavages: i.e. the two residues either side of the missed cleavage site will be the same as in the target sequence.
This value is returned by getDecoyTypeSpecific() and getDecoyTypeNoEnzyme() See Using enumerated values and static const ints in Perl, Java, Python and C#.
Enumerator | |
DECOY_ALGORITHM_NONE | (0) No algorithm defined. An invalid value. |
DECOY_PROTEIN_REVERSE | (1) Reverse the sequence of each protein entry. For a nucleic acid database, the bases are reversed before translation. |
DECOY_PEPTIDE_REVERSE | (2) Digest each protein sequence into peptides, then reverse the resulting peptide sequences, but keep the same terminal residues. |
DECOY_PROTEIN_RANDOM | (3) For each protein entry, generate a random sequence of the same length, with the composition based on the average composition of the whole database. This is the default in Mascot 2.3 and earlier. For nucleic acid databases, the randomised sequence is generated before translation. |
DECOY_PEPTIDE_RANDOM | (4) Digest each protein sequence into peptides, then generate a random sequence for each peptide, as for DECOY_PROTEIN_RANDOM, but keep the same terminal residues and don't introduce new cutting sites. If this option is specified and a nucleic acid database is searched, DECOY_PROTEIN_RANDOM is used. |
DECOY_PROTEIN_RANDOM_DIPEP | (5) Protein sequence randomization based on dipeptide frequency (randomDipep): for each protein, an amino acid is randomly chosen according to their frequency distribution as the N-terminal. Each amino acid generated thereafter is based on the occurrence frequency of each dipeptide that starts with its preceding neighboring amino acid. Decoy sequences created this way are expected to have similar amino acid composition and nearest-neighbor frequencies of the target database. (Not implemented in Mascot 2.4). |
DECOY_PEPTIDE_RANDOM_DIPEP | (6) Digest each protein sequence into peptides, but generate random dipeptide sequences for each peptide as in DECOY_PROTEIN_RANDOM_DIPEP, keeping the same terminal residues. (Not implemented in Mascot 2.4). |
DECOY_PROTEIN_SHUFFLE | (7) Randomise the order of amino acids in each protein sequence using the STL random_shuffle algorithm: . |
DECOY_PEPTIDE_SHUFFLE | (8) Digest each protein sequence into peptides, but shuffle their sequence as in DECOY_PROTEIN_SHUFFLE, excluding the terminus residue. |
DECOY_PROTEIN_BASED_MASK | If the value AND'ed with this is '1', then the algorithm is protein based. (Protein based strategies have value 1,3,5,7) |
Definitions for the ExecAfterSearch_XXX lines in the Options section of mascot.dat.
See Using enumerated values and static const ints in Perl, Java, Python and C#.
Enumerator | |
MAX_EXEC_AFTER_SEARCH | The maximum value for setExecAfterSearch () abd getExecAfterSearch() |
Definitions for columns in ms-review.exe
for use with getReviewColWidth() and getReviewColDisplay().
See Using enumerated values and static const ints in Perl, Java, Python and C#.
enum PERC_EXE_RT |
Definitions for retention time override when calling getPercolatorExeFlags().
See Using enumerated values and static const ints in Perl, Java, Python and C#.
ms_mascotoptions | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
See ms_datfile::getMascotOptions() for the most common way to create an ms_mascotoptions object.
ms_mascotoptions | ( | const ms_mascotoptions & | src | ) |
Copying constructor.
See ms_datfile::getMascotOptions() for the most common way to create an ms_mascotoptions object.
src | reference to a valid ms_mascotoptions object |
void appendIgnoreDupeAccession | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Appends a database to the list databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions.
When FASTA files are compressed, they are checked to ensure that there are no duplicate accession strings. For a large EST database with many millions of entries, this can take up a lot of memory. Adding a database to the list of values for the IgnoreDupeAccessions entry in mascot.dat
prevents this database from being tested.
Add a database to the list.
value | is the name of the database to add to the list. |
inherited |
Adds a new property with the given parameters.
name | a property name to use. |
value | a property value to use. |
delimiter | a specific delimiter or an empty string for a default one to be used. |
bFirstPlace | forces a new property to be put on top of the list. |
void appendReportNumberChoice | ( | const int | value | ) |
Append a value to the ReportNumberChoices list.
See getReportNumberChoice() for more information. If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the value to be appended to the list. |
void appendTargetFDRPercentage | ( | const double | value, |
const bool | makeDefault = false |
) |
Append a value to the TargetFDRPercentages list.
See getTargetFDRPercentage() for more information. If the provided value is not valid, the list will be unchanged.
value | is the value to be appended to the list. |
makeDefault | controls whether the new element should be made the default item in the list. |
inherited |
Adds a new non-parsed property.
All property elements will be retrieved from the first parameter. Before calling this method, a specific default delimiter can be set using setDefaultDelimiter().
l | raw text representation of the property to be parsed. |
bFirstPlace | forces a new property to be put on top of the list. |
void clearIgnoreDupeAccessions | ( | ) |
Clears the list of databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions.
When FASTA files are compressed, they are checked to ensure that there are no duplicate accession strings. For a large EST database with many millions of entries, this can take up a lot of memory. Adding a database to the list of values for the IgnoreDupeAccessions entry in mascot.dat
prevents this database from being tested.
void clearReportNumberChoices | ( | ) |
Deletes all ReportNumberChoices values from the list.
void clearTargetFDRPercentages | ( | ) |
Deletes all TargetFDRPercentages values from the list.
inherited |
Deletes all properties with the specified name.
str | Property name to find a match and then delete. |
inherited |
Deletes all properties whose names start with the given string.
str | Beginning a first part of the property name to delete. |
inherited |
Searches the list for a property with the given name.
If no property found with the given name -1 will be returned. There may be several property entries in the list with the same name.
name | a property name to be found. |
startFrom | a minimal property index to start search from. |
inherited |
Searches the list for a property with the partially matching name.
If no property found with the given name part -1 will be returned. There may be several property entries in the list whose names start with the given string.
nameBeginning | first part of a property name to be found. |
startFrom | a minimal property index to start search from. |
std::string getCacheDirectory | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CacheDirectory.
The value returned by this function may have an 'encoded' string which requires interpretation by the calling application. For this reason, it is normally easier to call ms_mascotresfilebase::getCacheDirectory().
Parameter | CacheDirectory |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../data/cache/%Y/%m |
Value in mascot.dat | ../data/cache/%Y/%m |
double getCentroidWidth | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CentroidWidth.
The width in Daltons of the sliding window used for re-centroiding profile data.
Parameter | CentroidWidth |
Permitted values | Floating point > 0 and less than 10.0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0.25 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0.25 |
int getCentroidWidthCount | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CentroidWidthCount.
Centroiding is applied to a scan when the number of peaks in the scan exceeds CentroidWidthCount.
Parameter | CentroidWidthCount |
Permitted values | Positive integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1000 |
std::string getCompressToolAA | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CompressTool_AA.
Not implemented (at version 2.6)
Parameter | CompressTool_AA |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string. Should contain $dbname and $dbpath |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | "../bin/ms-compress.exe $dbname $dbpath" |
Value in mascot.dat | "../bin/ms-compress.exe $dbname $dbpath" |
std::string getCompressToolCommandLineFasta | ( | DATABASE_TYPE | dbType, |
const std::string & | dbname, | ||
const std::string & | dbpath | ||
) | const |
Get command line to compress fasta, eg ms-compress.exe.
dbType | Database type, AA or NA |
dbname | Name of the database |
dbpath | Full path to the database file |
std::string getCompressToolCommandLineLibrary | ( | const std::string & | logfilepath, |
const std::string & | inputfile, | ||
const std::string & | outputdirectory | ||
) | const |
Get command line to compress library, eg lib2nistcl.exe.
This function is called by ms-monitor.exe to get the command line required to compress (or otherwise prepare) a spectral library. It calls getCompressToolSL which contains a number of 'tags' which need to be replaced with search specific parameters. In theory, any tool could be used instead of lib2nistcl.exe . This function replaces the following tags with the corresponding variable passed to this function:
is replaced with logfilepath $inputfile
is replaced with inputfile $outputdirectory
is replaced with outputdirectory logfilepath | full path to the log file that the tool will create. The contents of this file are inserted into the .stats file. |
inputfile | full path to the input file. Typically an msp file, but could be any format supported by the tool. |
outputdirectory | path to the output directory. For lib2nistcl, this is a directory, but it could be a filename. |
std::string getCompressToolNA | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CompressTool_NA.
Not implemented (at version 2.6)
Parameter | CompressTool_NA |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string. Should contain $dbname and $dbpath |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | "../bin/ms-compress.exe $dbname $dbpath" |
Value in mascot.dat | "../bin/ms-compress.exe $dbname $dbpath" |
std::string getCompressToolSL | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CompressTool_NA.
Parameter | CompressTool_SL |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string. Should contain $logfile, $inputfile and $outputdirectory |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | "../bin/NIST/lib2nistcl/lib2nistcl.exe -log9 $logfile -msp2peplib $inputfile $outputdirectory" |
Value in mascot.dat | "../bin/NIST/lib2nistcl/lib2nistcl.exe -log9 $logfile -msp2peplib $inputfile $outputdirectory" |
int getCrawlerNumPeaksPer100Da | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of peaks to output in each 100 Da window for the library crawler.
The number of highest-intensity peaks to choose from each 100 Da window of the observed spectrum when creating the library spectrum.
Parameter | CrawlerNumPeaksPer100Da |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0. |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 100 |
Value in mascot.dat | 100 |
int getCreatePipThreadBlockSize | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CreatePipThreadBlockSize.
Mascot 2.8 and later parallelises the calculation of the Percolator features. Each thread calculates the features in blocks of queries whose size is specified by this option. This option is not implemented in Mascot 2.7 and earlier.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Permitted values | An integer greater than 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 2000 |
int getCreatePipThreads | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of CreatePipThreads.
Mascot 2.8 and later parallelises the calculation of the Percolator features. If the value of this option is set to -1, all available threads will be used. This option is not implemented in Mascot 2.7 and earlier.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Permitted values | Any iteger greater or equal to -1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 4 |
Value in mascot.dat | 4 |
int getDechargeFragmentPeaks | ( | ) | const |
Return the maximum fragment ion charge state to be decharged.
Fragment ion peak charges can be specified in Mascot Generic Format. Mascot Server only looks for 1+ and 2+ fragment ions, so higher charge states will not be matched unless they are de-charged.
If the charge specified for a particular fragment in the MGF file is less than or equal to the value returned by this function, then the m/z value will be decharged to the singly charged MH+ value before searching.
Some instruments will never produce very high charge states, but the peak detection software may incorrectly report a very high charge state. Setting this value to a sensible maximum charge state will prevent decharging of these fragment peaks. A value of zero will prevent any decharging.
Parameter | DechargeFragmentPeaks |
Permitted values | Zero or a positive integer |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 10 |
Value in mascot.dat | 10 |
int getDecoyTypeNoEnzyme | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of DecoyTypeNoEnzyme.
Mascot 2.2 introduced automatic decoy searches. Any search can be run simultaneously against a randomised decoy database, which is generated on the fly.
See ms_mascotoptions::DECOY_ALGORITHM for a description of the possible values. However, only PROTEIN based strategies are supported for no-enzyme searches.
Only the following values are implemented for no-enzyme searches:
The other values may be implemented in future versions of Mascot and are thus reserved values. Setting DecoyTypeNoEnzyme to any of them will select the default strategy (3).
For a search with an enzyme specified, see getDecoyTypeSpecific().
Parameter | DecoyTypeNoEnzyme |
Permitted values | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 3 |
Value in mascot.dat | 3 |
int getDecoyTypeSpecific | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of DecoyTypeSpecific.
Mascot 2.2 introduced automatic decoy searches. Any search can be run simultaneously against a randomised decoy database, which is generated on the fly.
See ms_mascotoptions::DECOY_ALGORITHM for a description of the possible values.
Only the following values are implemented:
The other values may be implemented in future versions of Mascot and are thus reserved values. Setting DecoyTypeSpecific to any of them will select the default strategy (1).
For a search with no enzyme specified, see getDecoyTypeNoEnzyme().
Parameter | DecoyTypeSpecific |
Permitted values | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 2 |
inherited |
Return current default delimiter string used for parsing/storing properties.
inherited |
Returns a specific delimiter used for the property.
index | Index for which to get a delimiter |
int getDisplayNonSignificantMatches | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of DisplayNonSignificantMatches.
In Mascot 2.5 and earlier, the search reports show an input field for "Ignore ions score below". The control allows filtering out non-significant or uninteresting peptide matches by score or expect value.
In Mascot 2.6 and later, the search reports show either a checkbox for "Display non-significant matches" or the edit field from previous versions, depending on the value of DisplayNonSignificantMatches: if 0 or 1, display the checkbox, and if 2, display the edit field. Additionally, 0 means the checkbox is unchecked by default and 1 means checked.
Parameter | DisplayNonSignificantMatches |
Permitted values | 0, 1, 2 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
std::string getEmailFromTextName | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailFromTextName.
The EmailFromTextName value is the text name of the sender of all messages For example, if the email is from "Mascot Server <>", then "Mascot Server" is the EmailFromTextName value. The default value of 'your_domain' in earlier versions of mascot.dat
was somewhat confusing.
Used by all e-mail configurations.
Parameter | EmailFromTextName |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | Mascot |
std::string getEmailFromUser | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailFromUser.
EmailFromUser is the email address which will appear in the From
field of the email message. Used by all e-mail configurations.
Parameter | EmailFromUser |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | your_id |
std::string getEmailPassword | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailPassword.
EmailPassword is the password (if any) required to log onto MAPI or CMC.
Parameter | EmailPassword |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | your_password |
std::string getEmailProfile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailProfile.
EmailProfile is the MAPI profile name.
Parameter | EmailProfile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | your_profile |
std::string getEmailService | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailService.
EmailService is the service name (CMC only).
Parameter | EmailService |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | your_service |
int getEmailTimeOutPeriod | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailTimeOutPeriod.
See isEmailUsersEnabled() for information on this parameter.
Parameter | EmailTimeOutPeriod |
Permitted values | Any positive integer |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 120 |
Value in mascot.dat | 120 |
std::string getErrMessageEmailTo | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ErrMessageEmailTo.
If EmailErrorsEnabled is set to 1, serious error messages will be emailed to ErrMessageEmailTo.
Parameter | ErrMessageEmailTo |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | |
std::string getErrorLogFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ErrorLogFile.
This defines where error messages should be stored.
Parameter | ErrorLogFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../logs/errorlog.txt |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getErrTolMaxAccessions | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ErrTolMaxAccessions.
The maximum number of accessions allowed for an 'old style' error-tolerant search.
A value of zero indicates no limit
Parameter | ErrTolMaxAccessions |
Permitted values | Any integer >= 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getExecAfterSearch | ( | const char * | szResultsFilePath, |
std::vector< std::string > & | commands, | ||
std::vector< std::string > & | titles, | ||
std::vector< int > & | waitfor, | ||
std::vector< int > & | logging, | ||
std::vector< std::string > & | additionalFlags, | ||
const char * | sessionID = 0 , |
const char * | taskID = 0 |
) | const |
Returns the values of the ExecAfterSearch_XXX parameters.
After each search, a number of 'user' programs can be run. For example, Percolator may be run after each search.
Parameter | ExecAfterSearch_XXX |
Permitted values | Text string of the format:flag:num[;flag:num], title string, command where
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | ExecAfterSearch_2 waitfor:0;logging:0;percolator:1, Percolating, ../bin/percolator.exe $PercolatorExeFlags |
The following flags may be specified:
flag | Acceptable 'num' | Description |
waitfor | 0 or 1..10 | This command should not be run until the command specified by the waitfor has finished. A value of 0 indicates 'don't wait'. |
logging | 0..3 | The values indicate the level of logging. Messages are put into errorlog.txt:
percolator | 0 or 1 | This command will only be run if Percolator is set to 1 in mascot.dat and if the search meets the criteria to percolate results. See Using Percolator scores |
cgienv | 0 or 1 | Default is 1. When nph-mascot.exe runs the command specified, it uses spawn/exec so all the same environment variables available to nph-mascot.exe are set. When this includes cgi environment variables, it can cause confusion and problems for some perl scripts such as, where the script behaves differently when running as cgi process. Setting this flag to 0 ensures that all the cgi environment variables, such as =CONTENT_LENGTH= and =SCRIPT_NAME= are cleared before the process is run. |
For consistency with ms_mascotresfilebase::staticGetPercolatorFileNames() and ms_mascotresfilebase::setPercolatorFeatures(), it is important to set PercolatorExeFlags correctly before calling this method. Otherwise, this method may generate a pip or pop filename different from setPercolatorFeatures().
bool anyRT = (whether any query has RTINSECONDS); std::string percolatorFlags = options.getPercolatorRtFlags(anyRT, options.isPercolatorUseRT()); options.setPercolatorExeFlags(percolatorFlags.c_str());
The following tags will be replaced. (Note that it would potentially be unsafe to add a tag for a value that can be entered by the user in a search form, e.g. a user could enter cat /etc/passwd as their username).
Tag | Replaced with |
%resultfilepath | The passed szResultsFilePath |
%resultfilename | The filename part of the passed szResultsFilePath |
%percolator_pip | The input file from ms_mascotresfilebase::staticGetPercolatorFileNames() |
%percolator_decoy_pop | The decoy output file from ms_mascotresfilebase::staticGetPercolatorFileNames() |
%percolator_target_pop | The target output file from ms_mascotresfilebase::staticGetPercolatorFileNames() |
%session_id | Is replaced by the passed sessionID parameter |
%task_id | Is replaced by the passed taskID parameter |
$PercolatorExeFlags | This flag is not replaced by this function! nph-mascot calls getPercolatorExeFlags() to replace it. |
A set of vectors is returned from this function. Currently, each vector will have 10 entries, corresponding to ExecAfterSearch_1
... ExecAfterSearch_10
, but this value may be increased in future. The calling application should use the size of the vectors rather than hardcode the number 10. Note that many (or all) of the commands may be empty.
szResultsFilePath | is the path to the results file. |
commands | is a vector, containing the list of commands to be run. the flags and titles will have been stripped from the command, and any tags in the commands will have been replaced by values as described above. See Using STL vector classes vectori, vectord and VectorString in Perl, Java, Python and C#. |
titles | is a vector containing the text to be output will the process is running. For example: "Creating XML output....". See Using STL vector classes vectori, vectord and VectorString in Perl, Java, Python and C#. |
waitfor | is a vector of integers containing the dependency for each commands to be run. A value of 0 indicates that the command should be run immediately without waiting for another one to finish. See Using STL vector classes vectori, vectord and VectorString in Perl, Java, Python and C#. |
logging | is a vector of integers containing the logging level for each commands to be run. A value of 0 indicates that no entries should be added to the errorlog.txt file. See Using STL vector classes vectori, vectord and VectorString in Perl, Java, Python and C#. |
additionalFlags | is a vector of strings containing any flags apart from the waitfor or logging flag. See Using STL vector classes vectori, vectord and VectorString in Perl, Java, Python and C#. |
sessionID | is the session identifier for the search. See ms_session::ms_session. This value is passed to the search engine using the –sessionID parameter. |
taskID | is the task identifier for the search and is normally obtained by calling ms-searchcontrol.exe or . It is passed to nph-mascot.exe using the –taskID parameter. |
int getFeatureTableLength | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of FeatureTableLength.
If a nucleic acid sequence is longer than FeatureTableLength parameter value, the protein view report will automatically switch to feature table mode and output the matches as a GenBank feature table.
Parameter | FeatureTableLength |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 30,000 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
double getFeatureTableMinScore | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of FeatureTableMinScore.
By default, only matches with significant scores (p < 0.05) are output. A different score threshold can be specified using the parameter FeatureTableMinScore.
Parameter | FeatureTableMinScore |
Permitted values | Floating point > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 13.0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getFormVersion | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of FormVersion.
Mascot users may save search forms off-line, or submit searches using scripts or private forms. When the search engine is upgraded, there is the possibility that old scripts or forms may contain invalid or obsolete parameters. If a search is submitted to Mascot without a version number, or if the version number is lower than that specified by FormVersion, a warning will be included in the results file and in the master results report.
Parameter | FormVersion |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1.01 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1.01 |
std::string getGetSeqJobIdFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of GetSeqJobIdFile.
GetSeqJobIdFile contains the next available job number for the ms-getseq.exe
utility. These numbers wrap around at 999
and do not appear in the search logs. If this file is deleted, the next job number will be reset to 1 and a new jobId-file created automatically.
Parameter | GetSeqJobIdFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../data/getseq.job |
Value in mascot.dat | ../data/getseq.job |
file. std::string getICATFilter | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ICATFilter.
Parameter ICATFilter gives a residue that ICAT modifications apply to.
Parameter | ICATFilter |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | "C" |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
command. std::string getICATHeavy | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ICATHeavy.
The ICATHeavy parameter is the name of ICAT heavy modification. The full modification definition can be found in mod_file
Parameter | ICATHeavy |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ICAT_heavy |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getICATLight | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ICATLight.
The ICATLight parameter is the name of ICAT light modification. The full modification definition can be found in mod_file
Parameter | ICATLight |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ICAT_light |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getICATQuantitationMethod | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of name of the ICATQuantitationMethod.
The ICATQuantitationMethod parameter is the name of the quantitation method to use if the old 'ICAT' checkbox is clicked for Mascot 2.2 and later. Just for backward compatibility.
Parameter | ICATQuantitationMethod |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ICAT |
Value in mascot.dat | ICAT ABI Cleavable [MD] |
std::string getIgnoreDupeAccession | ( | const unsigned int | index | ) | const |
Returns one of the list databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions.
When FASTA files are compressed, they are checked to ensure that there are no duplicate accession strings. For a large EST database with many millions of entries, this can take up a lot of memory. Adding a database to the list of values for the IgnoreDupeAccessions entry in mascot.dat
prevents this database from being tested.
Parameter | IgnoreDupeAccessions |
Permitted values | text strings delimted by tab, space and comma |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | EST_others |
Value in mascot.dat | EST_others |
index | is a 0 based index into the list of databases. |
double getIgnoreIonsScoreBelow | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of IgnoreIonsScoreBelow.
Any ions score lower than this value will be set to zero and ignored. The parameter is a floating point number.
Parameter | IgnoreIonsScoreBelow |
Permitted values | Any floating point >= 0.0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0.0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0.0 |
int getIntensitySigFigs | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of IntensitySigFigs.
The precision of intensity values written to the result file is determined by IntensitySigFigs.
The default in the mascot.dat
suppplied with version 2.2 and later is 4.
Parameter | IntensitySigFigs |
Permitted values | 1 to 20 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2 |
Value in mascot.dat | 4 |
std::string getInterFileBasePath | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of InterFileBasePath.
Mascot output files are written to a path given by:
Here yyyymmdd is the current ISO date, and nnnnnn is a sequential job number. The path is split into a base path and a relative path as seen by the CGI scripts so that the search engine can pass a file path to (say)
Parameter | InterFileBasePath |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | C:/InetPub/Mascot/data for Windows and /usr/local/mascot/data for all other platforms |
Value in mascot.dat | ###ROOT###/data |
std::string getInterFileRelPath | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of InterFileRelPath.
One of the critical values that determine a location for storing intermediate files.
See getInterFileBasePath() for further information.
Parameter | InterFileRelPath |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../data |
Value in mascot.dat | ../data |
int getIonsDecimalPlaces | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of IonsDecimalPlaces.
Mascot calculates all masses to an accuracy of 1/65535 Daltons. By default, values are displayed to two decimal places, which is probably too few for most modern instruments. The default in the mascot.dat
suppplied with version 2.2 and later is 4.
The displayed precision of fragment ion masses in reports can be altered by changing the values of IonsDecimalPlaces.
Parameter | IonsDecimalPlaces |
Permitted values | 1 to 20 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2 |
Value in mascot.dat | 4 |
std::string getLastQueryAscFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of LastQueryAscFile.
See isSaveLastQueryAsc() for a detailed explanation.
Parameter | LastQueryAscFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../logs/lastquery.asc |
Value in mascot.dat | ../logs/lastquery.asc |
std::string getLogoImageFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of LogoImageFile.
This is the URL of the Matrix Science logo, used at the top of a search progress report. You can customise this by substituting the URL of your own logo. For optimum appearance, the image should be 88 pixels wide and 31 pixels high.
Parameter | LogoImageFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../images/88x31_logo_white.gif |
Value in mascot.dat | ../images/88x31_logo_white.gif |
std::string getMailTempFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MailTempFile.
See isEmailUsersEnabled() for information on this parameter.
Parameter | MailTempFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | C:/TEMP/MXXXXXX |
Value in mascot.dat | /var/tmp/MXXXXXX |
int getMailTransport | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MailTransport.
MailTransport should be set to one of the following values:
E-mail functionality has to be enabled by one of the following parameters: isEmailUsersEnabled(), isEmailErrorsEnabled().
Other parameters are common for all e-mail transports.
Parameter | MailTransport |
Permitted values | 0 to 3 inclusive |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
std::string getMascNodeCtrlFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MascotNodeControlFile.
Parameter | MascotNodeControlFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../data/mascotnode.control |
Value in mascot.dat | ../data/mascotnode.control |
std::string getMascotCmdLine | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MascotCmdLine.
Filepath to the mascot executable. This is used by ms-monitor.exe
when running the test search.
Parameter | MascotCmdLine |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../cgi/nph-mascot.exe |
Value in mascot.dat | ../cgi/nph-mascot.exe |
. std::string getMascotControlFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MascotControlFile.
MascotControlFile contains critical internal parameters. This file must be memory mapped and locked to provide interprocess communication between different Mascot components.
Parameter | MascotControlFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../data/mascot.control |
Value in mascot.dat | ../data/mascot.control |
int getMascotFileProcessingThreads | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MascotFileProcessingThreads.
MascotFileProcessingThreads specifies the number of threads used for pre-processing the input data at the beginning of the search, and for file processing at the beginning and end of each chunk. This setting does not affect the number of threads used for the search proper, which is determined by the number of licensed CPUs. If the value is -1 (automatic), the search will use the maximum number of threads authorised by the license, while respecting the configuration from Database Manager.
Parameter | MascotFileProcessingThreads |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0, or -1 for automatic. |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 4 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getMascotJobIdFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MascotJobIdFile.
MascotJobIdFile contains the next available job number. If this file is deleted, the next job number will be initialised to the value given by UniqueJobStartNumber, and a new jobId file created automatically.
Parameter | MascotJobIdFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text stringg |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../data/mascot.job |
Value in mascot.dat | ../data/mascot.job |
std::string getMascotMessage | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MascotMessage.
Displays the specified message while a search is running.
Parameter | MascotMessage |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getMassDecimalPlaces | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MassDecimalPlaces.
Mascot calculates all masses to an accuracy of 1/65535 Daltons. By default, values are displayed to two decimal places, which is probably too few for most modern instruments. The default in the mascot.dat
suppplied with version 2.2 and later is 4.
The displayed precision of peptide masses in reports can be altered by changing the values of MassDecimalPlaces.
Parameter | MassDecimalPlaces |
Permitted values | 1 to 20 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2 |
Value in mascot.dat | 4 |
int getMaxConcurrentSearches | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxConcurrentSearches.
This parameter limits the maximum number of concurrent searches so as to avoid overloading the Mascot server.
See also ms_security_tasks::SECTASK_MAXCONCURRENTSEARCHES.
Parameter | MaxConcurrentSearches |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 10 |
Value in mascot.dat | 10 |
int getMaxDatabases | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxDatabases.
Maximum number of databases that can be configured without re-starting monitor. Older versions of Mascot had a fixed limit of 64, which is a default value. Avoid specifying very large number as this will consume more physical memory and disk space unnecessarily.
Parameter | MaxDatabases |
Permitted values | Any integer > 64 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 64 |
Value in mascot.dat | 256 |
int getMaxDescriptionLen | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxDescriptionLen.
Long FASTA title (description) lines will be truncated at this number of characters.
Parameter | MaxDescriptionLen |
Permitted values | Any positive integer |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 100 |
Value in mascot.dat | 250 |
double getMaxEtagMassDelta | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxEtagMassDelta.
Parameter | MaxEtagMassDelta |
Permitted values | Any floating point number |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1770.0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1770.0 |
int getMaxEtVarMods | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxEtVarMods.
The maximum number of variable modifications allowed in an error-tolerant search.
Parameter | MaxEtVarMods |
Permitted values | Any integer in the range 0 to 31 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getMaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides.
The maximum number of intact crosslink peptides to consider for a crosslink search. All regular peptides are still considered in the search and are not affected by this parameter.
Parameter | MaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0. |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1000000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1000000 |
int getMaxNumOfReportBuilderColumnArrangements | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum number of column arrangements allowed.
The maximum number of column arrangements defined in mascot.dat
is limited. If security is enabled, each user can save additional column arrangements in user preferences.
int getMaxNumPeptides | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxNumPeptides.
The maximum number of peptides which can be expected from the enzymatic digest of a single entry.
If this value is not defined in mascot.dat than the value is calculated from getMaxSequenceLen() / 4
In general, this should not be defined in mascot.dat
Parameter | MaxNumPeptides |
Permitted values | Any positive integer |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [not defined] |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getMaxPepModArrangements | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxPepModArrangements.
Mascot iterates over the variable modifications of a peptide in the following way:
The number of arrangements for some peptides can be very large.
A value of zero indicates maximum.
This parameter is new in Mascot 2.7. Previous versions had no specific upper limit, although in many cases iteration ended before about 16-20 arrangements had been sampled.
Parameter | MaxModArrangements |
Permitted values | Any integer >= 0 and <= 1000000 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 64 |
Value in mascot.dat | 64 |
int getMaxPepNumModifiedSites | ( | ) | const |
Returns value of the MaxPepNumModifiedSites.
Mascot iterates over the variable modifications of a peptide in the following way:
A value of zero indicates maximum.
This parameter is new in Mascot 2.7. Previous versions had no configurable upper limit.
Parameter | MaxPepNumModifiedSites |
Permitted values | Any integer >= 0 and <= 10000 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 5 |
Value in mascot.dat | 5 |
int getMaxPepNumVarMods | ( | ) | const |
Returns value of the MaxPepNumVarMods.
Mascot iterates over the variable modifications of a peptide in the following way:
A value of zero indicates maximum.
Parameter | MaxPepNumVarMods |
Permitted values | Any integer >= 0 and <= 10000 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 3 |
Value in mascot.dat | 3 |
int getMaxQueries | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxQueries.
The maximum number of mass values (PMF) or MS/MS spectra (MIS) allowed in a single search.
Parameter | MaxQueries |
Permitted values | Integer >= 10 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 10000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1000000 |
int getMaxSearchesPerUser | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxSearchesPerUser.
Sets the maximum number of concurrent searches from a single IP-address.
A value of 0 means no limit.
Parameter | MaxSearchesPerUser |
Permitted values | Any integer >= 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getMaxSequenceLen | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxSequenceLen.
This parameters defines the maximum length of a database entry in characters, (bases for nucleic acids or residues for amino acids databases respectively).
Parameter | MaxSequenceLen |
Permitted values | Any integer >= 100 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 80,000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 80,000 |
int getMaxVarMods | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MaxVarMods.
The maximum number of variable modifications allowed in a standard search.
Parameter | MaxVarMods |
Permitted values | Any integer in the range 0 to 32 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 9 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
double getMinEtagMassDelta | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MinEtagMassDelta.
Parameter | MinEtagMassDelta |
Permitted values | Any floating point number |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | -130.0 |
Value in mascot.dat | -130.0 |
int getMinPepLenInPepSummary | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MinPepLenInPepSummary.
In a Peptide Summary report, two proteins are reported as distinct matches if the peptide matches to one protein are not identical to or a sub-set of the peptide matches to the other protein. Since matches to very short peptides are usually random, peptides shorter than MinPepLenInPepSummary are not considered in this comparison.
Parameter | MinPepLenInPepSummary |
Permitted values | Any integer greater than zero |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 7 |
Value in mascot.dat | 7 (Was 5 in Mascot 2.3.02 and earlier) |
int getMinPepLenInSearch | ( | ) | const |
Returns value of the MinPepLenInSearch.
This parameter specifies the minimal length of a peptide to be accepted as a match to any query in all searches. Use this parameter if you see too many short peptides in a result file that constitute mostly meaningless matches.
Parameter | MinPepLenInSearch |
Permitted values | Any non-negative integer |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 3 |
Value in mascot.dat | 5 |
int getMonitorEmailCheckFreq | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MonitorEmailCheckFreq.
See isEmailUsersEnabled() for information on this parameter..
Parameter | MonitorEmailCheckFreq |
Permitted values | Any positive integer |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 300 |
Value in mascot.dat | 300 |
std::string getMonitorLogFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MonitorLogFile.
This path defines where monitor log file should be placed. The ms-monitor.exe service/daemon writes to this file.
Parameter | MonitorLogFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../logs/monitor.log |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getMonitorPidFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MonitorPidFile.
The name for the file which holds the process ID number for ms-monitor.exe
. Unix only.
Parameter | MonitorPidFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../bin/ |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getMonitorTestTimeout | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MonitorTestTimeout.
A time-out is applied to the test searches used to validate a new database. If the test search on a new database does not produce a valid result within the number of seconds specified by MonitorTestTimeout, the problem is assumed to be with the new database, and the exchange process is halted.
Parameter | MonitorTestTimeout |
Permitted values | Any positive integer |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1200 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1200 |
int getMudpit | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of Mudpit.
Gets the number of queries at which the protein scoring switches to MudPIT mode.
Parameter | Mudpit |
Permitted values | Any integer>0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1000 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
double getMudpitSwitch | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MudpitSwitch.
A ratio of the number of queries divided by the number of entries in the database is used to determine when to switch between the two methods of protein scoring. The default value for SelectSwitch is 0.001. If q/e < 0.001, then standard protein scoring is used. If it is higher than 0.001, then MudPIT protein scoring is used.
If the user never wants to see MudPIT scoring, then this should be set to a large value, e.g. 1000
In the standard reports, the _server_mudpit_switch
flag can be passed as a url parameter to override this setting.
This parameter, and getSelectSwitch() replaced the single value returned by getMudpit() in Mascot 2.1 and earlier.
See also ms_protein::getScore() for a description of standard and MudPIT protein scoring.
Parameter | MudpitSwitch |
Permitted values | Any floating point value > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0.001 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0.001 |
std::string getNoResultsScript | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of NoResultsScript.
See getResultsPerlScript() for more information.
Parameter | NoResultsScript |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../cgi/ |
Value in mascot.dat | ../cgi/ |
std::string getNTIUserGroup | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of NTIUserGroup.
See getNTMonitorGroup() for information on this parameter.
The default in mascot.dat since mascot 2.3.0 is "Users". Earlier versions had the default as "Guests"
Parameter | NTIUserGroup |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | Guests |
Value in mascot.dat | Users |
std::string getNTMonitorGroup | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of NTMonitorGroup.
Under Windows NT, the Mascot service is generally run using the Local System
account. It has to create, write and read the memory mapped files. The CGI scripts (such as nph-mascot.exe
) are run by the Web server, and will be run using a different user name with different permissions from the service. These programs also need to be able to read and write to these files.
For example, with the Microsoft Web server (IIS), a new user with the name IUSR_<name_of_pc>
is created when the server is installed, and the scripts are run using this user name. The installation program sets these values appropriately. Other Web servers may use different user names, with different permissions.
NTMonitorGroup is used to define one of the groups that the administrator belongs to. In most cases, this can be left at the default of Administrators
NTIUserGroup is the name of one of the groups that the user name used to run the CGI scripts belongs to.
Parameter | NTMonitorGroup |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | Administrators |
Value in mascot.dat | Administrators |
unsigned int getNumberOfIgnoreDupeAccessions | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions.
When fasta files are compressed, they are checked to ensure that there are no duplicate accession strings. For a large EST database with many millions of entries, this can take up a lot of memory. Adding a database to the list of values for the IgnoreDupeAccessions entry in mascot.dat
prevents this database from being tested.
Parameter | IgnoreDupeAccessions |
Permitted values | text strings delimted by tab, space and comma |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | EST_others |
Value in mascot.dat | EST_others |
inherited |
Returns a total number of property/comment entries.
int getNumberOfReportNumberChoices | ( | ) | const |
Returns the values of ReportNumberChoices.
If present, ReportNumberChoices list will define the choices provided in the search form Report top
drop down list box. If not, this member will return zero.
getReportNumberChoice() member is used to retrieve individual elements of the list.
The default value in mascot.dat
is AUTO,5,10,20,30,50,100,200, so this function would return 8 for that case.
Parameter | ReportNumberChoices |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0, or -1. |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 5,10,20,30,40,50 |
Value in mascot.dat | AUTO,5,10,20,30,50,100,200 |
int getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages | ( | ) | const |
Returns the values of TargetFDRPercentages.
If present, the TargetFDRPercentages list will define the choices available in a Protein Family Summary report of a decoy search. Each item in the list is a percentage (e.g. 2.5 means 2.5% or 0.025). If the option is not present, this function will return 0.
An element in the list can be marked as the default value. Use getTargetFDRPercentage() to retrieve individual elements of the list, and isDefaultTargetFDRPercentage() to find out if an element is marked as the default element.
The default value in mascot.dat
is 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1+, 2, 5, so this function would return 6 in the default case. The postfix "+" means that, in this case, 1 is the default value.
Parameter | TargetFDRPercentages |
Permitted values | Any number >0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1+, 2, 5 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1+, 2, 5 |
std::string getPepSearchTool | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of LibrarySearch.
Introduced in version 2.6.0.
In version 2.6.1, "m G" was replaced with "m a P" where:
MSPepSearch parameter | Meaning |
m | precursor ion m/z within precursor ion m/z uncertainty |
G | generic (no peak annotations or peptide peak weighting used) |
a | alternative peak matching in computing match factors |
P | peptide (use peak annotations and peak weighting) |
And, in 2.6.1, we made sure that every library spectrum has properly annotated peaks, and not just a "?"
Also, in 2.6.1, "/HITS 100" was changed to "/HITS 10"
Parameter | LibrarySearch |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string. |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../bin/NIST/mspepsearch/MSPepSearch.exe m a P $peptidetoleranceunit $peptidetolerance $iontoleranceunit $iontolerance /LIB $libname /INP $inputfile /OUTTAB $outputfile /HITS 10 /MinMF 0 /NumCompared /OutPrecursorMz /OutDeltaPrecursorMz /OutSpecNum |
Value in mascot.dat | ../bin/NIST/mspepsearch/MSPepSearch.exe m a P $peptidetoleranceunit $peptidetolerance $iontoleranceunit $iontolerance /LIB $libname /INP $inputfile /OUTTAB $outputfile /HITS 10 /MinMF 0 /NumCompared /OutPrecursorMz /OutDeltaPrecursorMz /OutSpecNum |
std::string getPepSearchToolCommandLine | ( | const std::string & | peptideToleranceUnit, |
const double & | peptideTolerance, | ||
const std::string & | ionToleranceUnit, | ||
const double & | ionTolerance, | ||
const std::string & | libraryDirectoryPath, | ||
const std::string & | inputFileRelativePath, | ||
const std::string & | outputFileRelativePath | ||
) | const |
Get command line to search a library, eg MSPepSearch.exe.
This function is called by nph-mascot.exe to get the command line required to invoke the spectral library search tool. It calls getPepSearchTool which contains a number of 'tags' which need to be replaced with search specific parameters. In theory, any search tool that accepts an MGF file and outputs a CSV file could be used instead of MSPepSearch. This function replaces the following tags with the corresponding variable passed to this function:
is replaced with peptideToleranceUnit $peptidetolerance
is replaced with peptideTolerance $iontoleranceunit
is replaced with ionToleranceUnit $iontolerance
is replaced with ionTolerance $libname
is replaced with libraryDirectoryPath $inputfile
is replaced with inputFileRelativePath $outputfile
is replaced with outputFileRelativePath peptideToleranceUnit | will be Z or ZPPM, where 'Z' specifies Daltons. |
peptideTolerance | tolerance in the unit above. |
ionToleranceUnit | will be M or MPPM, where 'M' specifies Daltons. |
ionTolerance | tolerance in the unit above. |
libraryDirectoryPath | full path to the directory containing the spectral library 'database'. |
inputFileRelativePath | path to the mgf file created by nph-mascot.exe. |
outputFileRelativePath | is the path to the results file produced by the library search tool that will be read by nph-mascot.exe. |
std::string getPercolatorExeFlags | ( | bool | anyRetentionTimes, |
const std::vector< std::string > | percolatorFiles, | ||
) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorExeFlags.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | PercolatorExeFlags |
Permitted values | any string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | -i 10 -D 14 -v 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | -i 10 -D 14 -v 0 |
This function will create a string of the form
-i 10 -D 14 -v 0 -j [percolator_input_file] -B [percolator_decoy_file] -r [percolator_target_file]
If anyRetentionTimes is true and either forceUseRT or the return from isPercolatorUseRT() is true, then the -D [num]
option will be retained, otherwise the -D [num]
option will be removed from the PercolatorExeFlags parameters.
anyRetentionTimes | should be set to true if there are any retention times in the results file. It is normally safe to just check the first query and if ms_inputquery::getRetentionTimes() returns an empty string, then set this parameter to false. |
percolatorFiles | is the parameter returned by ms_mascotresfilebase::getPercolatorFileNames(). |
rt | one of the ms_mascotoptions::PERC_EXE_RT enumerations may be specified to override the value in mascot.dat that is returned by calling isPercolatorUseRT(). |
. std::string getPercolatorFeatures | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorFeatures.
Returns a list of features that should be considered when running percolator.
To see the list of available features, run ms-createpip.exe –help
. See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | PercolatorFeatures |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | mScore,lgDScore, mrCalc, charge, dM, dMppm, absDM, absDMppm, isoDM, isoDMppm, mc, varmods, totInt, intMatchedTot,relIntMatchedTot |
Value in mascot.dat | mScore,lgDScore, mrCalc, charge, dM, dMppm, absDM, absDMppm, isoDM, isoDMppm, mc, varmods, totInt, intMatchedTot,relIntMatchedTot |
int getPercolatorMinQueries | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorMinQueries.
Percolator requires a 'reasonable' number of ms-ms spectra to perform well, and this parameter specifies that minimum. If the number of queries is below this value, percolator results will not be made available.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | PercolatorMinQueries |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 750 |
Value in mascot.dat | 750 (was 100 for Mascot Server versions 2.3 to 2.5.0) |
int getPercolatorMinSequences | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorMinSequences.
Percolator requires a 'reasonable' number of sequences to perform well, and this parameter specifies that minimum. If the number of sequences searched is below this value, percolator results will not be made available.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | PercolatorMinSequences |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 100 |
Value in mascot.dat | 100 |
std::string getPercolatorRtFlags | ( | const bool | anyRetentionTimes, |
const bool | useRT | ||
) | const |
Returns PercolatorExeFlags with the -D
flag optionally removed if there are no retention times.
-D [num]
option will be retained, otherwise the -D [num]
option will be removed from the PercolatorExeFlags parameters. double getPercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold.
For a description of this function, see getPercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold().
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Permitted values | A real number in [0, 1] |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0.2 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0.2 |
int getPercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold.
Mascot 2.8 and later exports rank 1 matches plus further ranks from target if score > PercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold and the relative difference from rank 1 score < PercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold. This option is not implemented in Mascot 2.7 and earlier.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | PercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold |
Permitted values | Positive integers |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 20 |
Value in mascot.dat | 20 |
inherited |
Returns any comments preceeding the section.
Sections in the mascot.dat file may have comments preceeding them. In most cases, these comments need to stay 'attached' to the section.
Multiple line comments are supported by having a single string with newline characters
double getPrecursorCutOutLowerLimit | ( | ) | const |
Gets the first PrecursorCutOut.
This parameter defines boundaries for cut-out window for precursor m/z value. It consists of two numbers - the lower limit and the upper limit for precursor m/z window. If both numbers are the same (i.e. if the window is of zero-length) Mascot uses a "smart" mechanism for filtering out peptide m/z from MS-spectra.
Parameter | PrecursorCutOut |
Permitted values | Any 2 comma separated floating point numbers |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | "-1, -1" |
Value in mascot.dat | "-1, -1" |
double getPrecursorCutOutUpperLimit | ( | ) | const |
Gets the second PrecursorCutOut.
This parameter defines boundaries for cut-out window for precursor m/z value. It consists of two numbers - the lower limit and the upper limit for precursor m/z window. If both numbers are the same (i.e. if the window is of zero-length) Mascot uses a "smart" mechanism for filtering out peptide m/z from MS-spectra.
Parameter | PrecursorCutOut |
Permitted values | Any 2 comma separated floating point numbers |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | "-1, -1" |
Value in mascot.dat | "-1, -1" |
inherited |
Returns a property name for a given index.
index | property number from 0 to (getNumberOfProperties()-1). |
inherited |
Retrieves property value by name.
Don't use this method for comments as they all have empty name. Also note that there might be several entries corresponding to the same name . – only the first value will be returned. If in doubt use findProperty() and getPropValStringByNumber() instead.
name | Name for which to get a property value |
inherited |
Retrieves property raw text values by number.
index | Index for which to get a property value |
int getProteinFamilySwitch | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ProteinFamilySwitch.
For Mascot 2.3 and later, if a search has greater than or equal the number of MS-MS spectra defined by getProteinFamilySwitch(), then the script defined by getResultsPerlScript_2() is run.
Parameter | ProteinFamilySwitch |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 300 |
Value in mascot.dat | 300 |
int getProteinsInResultsFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ProteinsInResultsFile.
Determines the number of protein title lines saved to each results file. Possible values are:
Parameter | ProteinsInResultsFile |
Permitted values | 1, 2 or 3 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getProxyPassword | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of proxy_password.
See getProxyServer().
Parameter | proxy_password |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | [commented out]# proxy_password mypassword |
std::string getProxyServer | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of proxy_server.
This parameter allows a proxy server to be defined.
Other parameters defining proxy server are proxy_username (getProxyUsername()) and proxy_password (getProxyPassword()).
Parameter | proxy_server |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | [commented out]# proxy_server myserver |
std::string getProxyType | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ProxyType.
Proxy server settings can be specified in a number of ways depending on the operating system and local network policies. See ms_connection_settings::PROXY_TYPE for a description. The proxy type value in mascot.dat is case-insensitive; for example, all of none, None and NONE mean ms_connection_settings::PROXY_TYPE_NO_PROXY.
This parameter was introduced in Mascot Server 2.5. The default in Mascot Server 2.4 and earlier is equivalent to Specify. If proxy_server
is not given in mascot.dat, the default in 2.4 is None.
Parameter | ProxyType |
Permitted values | None, Registry, Specify, WPAD, Environment, Auto |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | Auto |
Value in mascot.dat | Auto |
std::string getProxyUsername | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of proxy_username.
See getProxyServer().
Parameter | proxy_username |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | [commented out]# proxy_username myusername |
std::string getReportBuilderColumnArrangement | ( | const int | index | ) | const |
Returns ReportBuilderColumnArrangement by number.
Set the column arrangement at the given index. Column arrangements are used by Report Builder (introduced in Mascot 2.4) to provide a default list of columns to show. These can be selected from a dropdown list in the report.
Each column arrangement is of the form
where Name
is the column arrangement name (e.g. Standard
) and [columns]
is a comma-separated list of column names, as used by Report Builder. The following is the standard list of column names, available in every report:
family member db acc score mass matches matches-sig sequences sequences-sig empai frame desc
will not be shown in the report if the search is against an amino acid database.) Quantitation methods add additional column names, but these are generated from the quantitation ratio names. The easiest way to create a column arrangement string is to arrange the columns in Report Builder, then "export" the column arrangement as a string and copy it into mascot.dat
Parameter | ReportBuilderColumnArrangement_XXX |
Permitted values | A name followed by colon followed by column arrangement string (see above) |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ReportBuilderColumnArrangement_1 Standard:family,member,db,acc,score,mass,matches,matches-sig,sequences,sequences-sig,empai,frame,desc |
Value in mascot.dat | ReportBuilderColumnArrangement_1 Standard:family,member,db,acc,score,mass,matches,matches-sig,sequences,sequences-sig,empai,frame,desc |
index | A value between 1 and getMaxNumOfReportBuilderColumnArrangements(), inclusive. |
int getReportNumberChoice | ( | const int | index | ) | const |
Returns an element of the ReportNumberChoices list by its number.
The function returns -1 in case of AUTO
string. For more information on the ReportNumberChoices parameter see getNumberOfReportNumberChoices().
The default value in mascot.dat
is AUTO,5,10,20,30,50,100,200, so this function would return 5 for an index value of 1
Parameter | ReportNumberChoices |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0, or -1. |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 5,10,20,30,40,50 |
Value in mascot.dat | AUTO,5,10,20,30,50,100,200 |
index | element number from 0 to (getNumberOfReportNumberChoices()-1). |
std::string getResfileCache | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ResfileCache.
This parameter is rather counter-intuitive! A script or application running on the Mascot server has a choice of whether or not to specify ms_mascotresfilebase::RESFILE_USE_CACHE. Each Mascot script calls this function which returns a comma separated list of scripts and executable programs. The script then searches for its own name, and if it finds it, then it will specify the ms_mascotresfilebase::RESFILE_USE_CACHE flag. Mascot parser does not use this parameter internally – it is up to each script to use it.
A user can disable/enable the use of the cache for one or more scripts by adding them to the list in mascot.dat
Parameter | ResfileCache |
Permitted values | Comma, space or tab delimeted string. May be empty |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) |,,,,,,ms-createpip.exe,MSAnatomiser.class,,,nph-mascot.exe,ms-searchcontrol.exe, |
Value in mascot.dat |,,,,,,ms-createpip.exe,MSAnatomiser.class,,,nph-mascot.exe,ms-searchcontrol.exe, |
std::string getResultsCache | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ResultsCache.
This parameter is rather counter intuitive! A script or application running on the Mascot server has a choice of whether or not to specify ms_peptidesummary::MSPEPSUM_USE_CACHE. Each Mascot script calls this function which returns a comma separated list of scripts and executable programs. The script then searches for its own name, and if it finds it, then it will specify the ms_peptidesummary::MSPEPSUM_USE_CACHE flag. Mascot parser does not use this parameter internally – it is up to each script to use it.
A user can disable/enable the use of the cache for one or more scripts by adding them to the list in mascot.dat
Parameter | ResultsCache |
Permitted values | Comma, space or tab delimeted string. May be empty |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) |,,,,,,MSAnatomiser.class,,nph-mascot.exe,ms-searchcontrol.exe |
Value in mascot.dat |,,,,,,MSAnatomiser.class,,nph-mascot.exe,ms-searchcontrol.exe |
std::string getResultsFileFormatVersion | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ResultsFileFormatVersion.
Currently only one value choice is supported: "2.1". Specifiying this value will force Mascot to produce result file compatible with ver. 2.1. An empty or any other value means current version result file format.
Be careful, however, when submitting to Mascot a search which explicitly requires new functionality. In this case Mascot will decide whether to output results in the requested or the current format.
Parameter | ResultsFileFormatVersion |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | [commented out] #ResultsFileFormatVersion 2.1 |
std::string getResultsFullURL | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ResultsFullURL.
The ResultsFullURL entry is used when results are emailed to a user. Since the email will probably be received on another system, the URL used needs to have the full name including the Web server.
Parameter | ResultsFullURL |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ###URL###/cgi/ |
Value in mascot.dat | |
std::string getResultsFullURL_2 | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ResultsFullURL_2.
For Mascot 2.3 and later, if a search has greater than or equal the number of MS-MS spectra defined by getProteinFamilySwitch(), then this URL is used to send results by email.
Parameter | ResultsFullURL_2 |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | |
Value in mascot.dat | |
std::string getResultsPerlScript | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ResultsPerlScript.
There are URLs (not disk paths) of the scripts to be called by the search engine at the completion of a search. A successful search calls ResultsPerlScript, while a search that didn't find any hits calls NoResultsScript. In the scripts supplied with Mascot, for Mascot 2.2 and earlier, both eventualities are handled by a single script:
Parameter | ResultsPerlScript |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../cgi/ |
Value in mascot.dat | ../cgi/ |
std::string getResultsPerlScript_2 | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ResultsPerlScript_2.
For Mascot 2.3 and later, if a search has greater than or equal the number of MS-MS spectra defined by getProteinFamilySwitch(), this script is run.
Parameter | ResultsPerlScript_2 |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../cgi/ |
Value in mascot.dat | ../cgi/ |
bool getReviewColDisplay | ( | const MS_REVIEW_COL | index | ) | const |
Returns ReviewColDisplay by number.
End users can specify the display states in mascot.dat
to suit their requirements, for example if they want to hide by default some columns.
Parameter | ReviewColDisplay |
Permitted values | 1 (true) for display, 0 (false) for hide |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 |
index | A value from the MS_REVIEW_COL enumeration. |
int getReviewColWidth | ( | const MS_REVIEW_COL | index | ) | const |
Returns ReviewColWidths by number.
End users can specify the widths in mascot.dat
to suit their requirements, for example if they use long titles.
Parameter | ReviewColWidths |
Permitted values | Positive integer >0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 7, 8, 8, 27, 30, 100, 32, 25, 6, 13, 4, 4, 6, 16, 7, 32 |
Value in mascot.dat | 7, 8, 8, 27, 30, 100, 32, 25, 6, 13, 4, 4, 6, 16, 7, 32 |
index | A value from the MS_REVIEW_COL enumeration. |
std::string getSearchLogFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SearchLogFile.
This path defines where search log file should be stored.
Parameter | SearchLogFile |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../logs/searches.log |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getSearchSubmitAcceptedFileTypes | ( | ) | const |
Returns a list of accepted input file types in the Mascot search form.
Returns accepted input the file formats of searches submitted through the search form.
The setting SearchSubmitAcceptedFileTypes is a list of input file formats selectable in the browser-based search form ( The default is MGF (Mascot generic) and mzML. Mascot supports other file formats, most of which are no longer in use.
The full list of file types is:
Mascot generic Sequest (.DTA) Finnigan (.ASC) Micromass (.PKL) PerSeptive (.PKS) PerSeptive (.PKM) Sciex API III Bruker reportfile Bruker (.XML) mzData (.XML) mzML (.mzML)
Parameter | SearchSubmitOutputFormat |
Permitted values | A comma-separated list of the supported file formats |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | Mascot generic,mzML (.mzML) |
Value in mascot.dat | Mascot generic,mzML (.mzML) |
std::string getSearchSubmitDefaultPeptideCharge | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value in the CHARGE parameter when the peptide charge control is hidden in the search form.
Parameter | SearchSubmitDefaultPeptideCharge |
Permitted values | One of the following:
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2+, 3+ and 4+ |
Value in mascot.dat | 2+, 3+ and 4+ |
std::string getSearchSubmitMode | ( | ) | const |
Returns the Mascot search submission mode.
In Mascot 2.5 and later, searches submitted through the search form report progress feedback asynchronously. Once the input file is uploaded, Mascot redirects from the search form to a separate search progress page.
If SearchSubmitMode is async, Mascot behaves as described above. If the value is direct, progress is reported directly by the nph-mascot.exe executable as in Mascot 2.4 and earlier. The downside of "direct" mode is that closing the web browser may kill the search.
Parameter | SearchSubmitMode |
Permitted values | async or direct |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | asynchronous |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
std::string getSearchSubmitOutputFormat | ( | ) | const |
Returns the Mascot search submission output format.
Returns the file format of searches submitted through the search form.
In Mascot 3.0 and later, searches submitted through the search form default to the new Mascot Search Results (MSR) file format. This is a relational database saved as an SQLite file and fully supported from Parser 3.0 onward.
If SearchSubmitOutputFormat is msr, Mascot behaves as described above. If the value is dat28, Mascot will write results in the old text-based .dat format compatible with Mascot Server 2.8. Choosing dat28 is only relevant if your application submits searches through the web based search form, and then reads the file directly from the 'daily' directory on the Mascot server. If you download search results using the or API, set SearchSubmitOutputFormat to msr – the scripts automatically convert from MSR to .dat as needed.
If SearchSubmitOutputFormat is dat28,msr, then Mascot writes the results in two files, one in .dat format and one in MSR format. This combination doubles the amount of disk space used by new searches and is only recommended for testing purposes.
Parameter | SearchSubmitOutputFormat |
Permitted values | dat28 or msr or dat28,msr |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | msr |
Value in mascot.dat | msr |
int getSelectSwitch | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SelectSwitch.
This function and getMudpitSwitch() replaced the single function getMudpit() in Mascot 2.1 and earlier.
Parameter | SelectSwitch |
Permitted values | Any integer >= 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1000 |
std::string getSendmailPath | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of sendmailPath.
sendmailPath is the path to sendmail or BLAT programs.
Parameter | sendmailPath |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | /usr/lib/sendmail |
Value in mascot.dat | /usr/lib/sendmail |
double getShowSubsets | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ShowSubSets.
If you have a primary hit with (say) 100 peptide matches, you are very interested in sub-set proteins with 99 matches but not if they only have 1 or 2 matches. These are the sub-set hits that clutter up the report if Show Sub-sets is checked in Mascot 2.1 and earlier. If you have a primary hit with (say) 2 peptide matches, you are more likely to be interested in sub-set proteins with just 1 match.
A value of 1 indicates that all proteins with a subset of matches should be reported. A value of 0 indicates that no subsets will be reported.
Parameter | ShowSubSets |
Permitted values | Floating point in range 0 to 1 inclusive |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
double getSigThreshold | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SigThreshold.
Significance threshold used in results reports.
This global default can be overridden on an individual report URL be appending &_sigthreshold=X
, where X is the significance threshold.
Parameter | SigThreshold |
Permitted values | Floating point 1e-18 to 1.0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0.05 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0.05 |
double getSiteAnalysisMD10Prob | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SiteAnalysisMD10Prob.
SiteAnalysisMD10Prob is used in calculating relative probabilities of modification assignments in Peptide View. It defines the factor in probability that a peptide score difference of 10 corresponds to. The default is 0.1, which means a score difference of 10 corresponds to a factor of 10 in probability. Similarly, 0.05 corresponds to a factor of 20.
Parameter | SiteAnalysisMD10Prob |
Permitted values | Floating point 1e-18 to 1.0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0.1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0.1 |
std::string getSortUnassigned | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SortUnassigned.
Parameter | SortUnassigned |
Permitted values | "scoredown", "queryup" or "intdown" |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | scoredown |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getSpectraPerLibraryBlock | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of spectra in a spectral library block.
The NIST spectral library tools have a limit of about 600k spectra. Mascot deals with larger files by splitting them up into chunks each with the maximum number of spectra specified by this value.
Parameter | SpectraPerLibraryBlock |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0. |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 500000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 500000 |
std::vector< std::string > getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeNames | ( | ) | const |
Returns the names of all colour schemes (SpectrumViewerColourScheme).
. std::string getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeString | ( | const std::string & | name | ) | const |
Returns SpectrumViewerColourScheme by name.
Spectrum Viewer colour schemes were added in Mascot 2.6, and they allow you to choose different peak colours in Peptide View.
Colour scheme name must contain ASCII letters and numbers only; no special characters are allowed.
Each colour scheme is a comma-separated list of key=value pairs, where the key is a peak class and value is either a colour name or an RGB value. The permitted peak classes are:
The colour is either one of the 16 HTML 4.01 colour names:
Or an RGB value in standard CSS format, #rrggbb
. For example, pure red is #ff0000
. Letter case does not matter in colour names or hexadecimal digits.
Note that "orange" is not an HTML 4.01 colour name. It is accepted as a special exception, since it is a valid colour name in CSS 2.1.
Parameter | SpectrumViewerColourScheme_XXX |
Permitted values | A comma-separated list of key=value pairs (see above) |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | SpectrumViewerColourScheme_screen unmatched=black,internal_ion=orange,immonium_ion=orange,terminal_series_ion=red,terminal_series_ion_nl=orange,library_peak=blue |
Value in mascot.dat | SpectrumViewerColourScheme_screen unmatched=black,internal_ion=orange,immonium_ion=orange,terminal_series_ion=red,terminal_series_ion_nl=orange,library_peak=blue |
name | Colour scheme name; the defined names are returned by getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeNames(). |
std::string getSpectrumViewerDefaultColourSchemeName | ( | ) | const |
Return the name of the default colour scheme (SpectrumViewerDefaultColourScheme).
The colour scheme used in Peptide View by default is the scheme named here.
Parameter | SpectrumViewerDefaultColourScheme |
Permitted values | colour scheme name |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | screen |
Value in mascot.dat | screen |
int getSplitDataFileSize | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SplitDataFileSize.
See getSplitNumberOfQueries() for a description.
Parameter | SplitDataFileSize |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 20000000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 20000000 |
int getSplitNumberOfQueries | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SplitNumberOfQueries.
Used in conjunction with SplitDataFileSize parameter. When large amount of spectra is submitted the input file is split into several chunks. Each chunk contains no more than SplitNumberOfQueries queries and no more than SplitDataFileSize bytes long.
Parameter | SplitNumberOfQueries |
Permitted values | Any integer > 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 2000 |
int getSVGSpectrumSwitch | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SVGSpectrumSwitch.
Mascot 2.5 introduced SVG-based graphics in Peptide View. Since the graphics is rendered in the browser, spectra with a large number of peaks may cause Peptide View to load much slower than in Mascot 2.4 and ealier.
SVGSpectrumSwitch is the cut-off point where Peptide View reverts to the static spectrum graphic used in Mascot 2.4 and earlier. If the spectrum has more peaks than SVGSpectrumSwitch, the old graphic is used; otherwise the new SVG-based graphic is shown. In particular, if you set SVGSpectrumSwitch to 0, the new SVG-based graphic is never shown. If you set it to the maximum value (100000), the SVG-based graphic is always shown.
Parameter | SVGSpectrumSwitch |
Permitted values | 0-100000 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 2000 |
Value in mascot.dat | 2000 |
double getTargetFDRPercentage | ( | const int | index | ) | const |
Returns an element of the TargetFDRPercentages list by its number.
For more information on the TargetFDRPercentages parameter see getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages().
index | element number from 0 to (getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages()-1). |
std::string getTaxBrowserUrl | ( | ) | const |
Returns value of the TaxBrowserUrl.
The URL used in reports to retrieve taxonomy information for a Protein View report.
Parameter | TaxBrowserUrl |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | [empty] |
Value in mascot.dat | |
std::string getTestDirectory | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of TestDirectory.
TestDirectory contains the input files used by Monitor to test new sequence databases.
Parameter | TestDirectory |
Permitted values | Any non empty text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | ../data/test |
Value in mascot.dat | ../data/test |
int getUniqueJobStartNumber | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of UniqueJobStartNumber.
See getMascotJobIdFile() for explanations on usage of this parameter.
Parameter | UniqueJobStartNumber |
Permitted values | Integer >= 0 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1234 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1234 |
int getUnixDirPerm | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of UnixDirPerm.
Specify the Unix permissions for the 'daily' result file directories and the logs directory. For example, 775 makes each directory world readable but not writeable.
Parameter | UnixDirPerm |
Permitted values | Any integer in octal format |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 777 (octal) |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
int getUnixWebUserGroup | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of UnixWebUserGroup.
The paramater UnixWebUserGroup, if present, will restrict access to the files created by ms-monitor.exe
, and hence improve system security. UnixWebUserGroup parameter value is the id of the group used by the web server to run CGI programs.
With Apache, the group name will generally be nobody
or apache
and you will need to ascertain the group number from the group file. For other Web servers, check the documentation that comes with the server to find out which user name is used for running CGI programs.
A value of -2 can be used if the same user name is used to run Web server scripts as runs ms-monitor.exe
. In this case, the files created by ms-monitor.exe
will not be world accessible, and chown
is not used on the files to change ownership.
Parameter | UnixWebUserGroup |
Permitted values | Any text string |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | -1 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
INT64 getVmemory | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of Vmemory.
Alpha Tru64 only. When setting resource limits for address space, this is the maximum number of bytes requested. If a value of -1 is specified, then the maximum system value is requested.
Parameter | Vmemory |
Permitted values | 64 bit integer >= -1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | -1 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isAlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile.
This option is only intended for backwards compatibility with third-party software.
If AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile is set to 0, the file format for search results defaults to Mascot Search Results (MSR). The task ID is associated with the filename F001234.msr. If set to 1, then nph-mascot.exe writes search results in two files, F001234.msr (MSR) and F001234.dat (dat28). The task ID is associated with the filename F001234.dat.
The behaviour can be overriden by the client program by using the -format argument when submitting the search to nph-mascot.exe. The behaviour can also be overriden in the Mascot search form with getSearchSubmitOutputFormat(). The setting AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile should only be used if these alternatives are infeasible.
Parameter | AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isAlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if Mascot always runs an automatic target-decoy search.
Controls whether to run an automatic decoy search. Before Mascot Server 3.0, an automatic target-decoy search was only run if the search parameter DECOY=1 is set. From Mascot Server 3.0, if AlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch is 1 (default), nph-mascot.exe defaults to DECOY=1 unless overridden by the DECOY search parameter. The Decoy checkbox is not shown in the browser-based search form. A decoy search is only omitted for unsupported search types (currently spectral library searches and intact crosslink searches).
If set to 0, the Decoy checkbox is shown in the browser-based search form and defaults to unchecked, and nph-mascot.exe defaults to DECOY=0 unless overridden by the DECOY search parameter.
Parameter | AlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1 |
bool isAutoSelectCharge | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of AutoSelectCharge.
When this parameter is set to 1 only the charge state that gives the best ion score is reported for each query. Otherwise, each query will be transformed and split into several queries (one for each possible charge state).
Parameter | AutoSelectCharge |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1 |
bool isClientResultFileMimeRefining | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the client API command result_file_mime and result_file_mime2 default to returning refined results, not original database results.
If ClientResultFileMimeRefining is set to 0, then the API commands result_file_mime and result_file_mime2 return the MIME format results of the 'raw' database search. This is the default behaviour in Mascot Server 3.0 and earlier.
If ClientResultFileMimeRefining is set to 1, then the API commands may return results refined with machine learning. The data is in the same MIME format, but Mascot scores are replaced by log-transformed Percolator PEP values.
The setting is intended as a workaround for client programs that read the results in the dat28 (MIME) format, and which cannot be modified to read or import a separate Percolator output (pop) file created by Mascot Server.
Parameter | ClientResultFileMimeRefining |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1 |
bool isCreateLegacyModAndSubstitutionFiles | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if Mascot Monitor creates legacy files containing modification definitions.
This option is meant for backwards compatibility with very old third-party software. Mascot Server 2.1 and earlier saved modification definitions in three files, ../config/mod_file, ../config_masses and ../config/substitutions. Since Unimod support was added in Mascot Server 2.2, these files have been automatically generated from unimod.xml.
Set the option to true (1) and Mascot Monitor will create the legacy files. Note that this option may be removed in a future Mascot release.
Parameter | CreateLegacyModAndSubstitutionFiles |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isDefaultTargetFDRPercentage | ( | const int | index | ) | const |
Returns true if the element of TargetFDRPercentages is a default value.
For more information on the TargetFDRPercentages parameter see getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages().
index | element number from 0 to (getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages()-1). |
bool isEmailErrorsEnabled | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailErrorsEnabled.
Serious error messages can be emailed to an administrator. This facility can be enabled by setting EmailErrorsEnabled to 1 or disabled by setting it to 0.
Error messages that are considered serious are identified in the file errors.html
. This file can be found in the root directory of the installation CD-ROM.
A number of other parameters are required to send e-mail messages. See isEmailUsersEnabled(), getErrMessageEmailTo(), and getMailTransport() for more information.
Parameter | EmailErrorsEnabled |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isEmailUsersEnabled | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of EmailUsersEnabled.
When the search engine executes as a CGI application, email can be used to send the results of a search to a user who accidentally or deliberately disconnected before the search was complete. This facility can be enabled by setting EmailUsersEnabled to 1 or disabled by setting it to 0.
If EmailUsersEnabled is set to 1, search results will be emailed to a user if their web browser does not respond within the number of seconds specified in EmailTimeOutPeriod following the completion of a search. See getEmailTimeOutPeriod().
Email messages can be sent in batches at intervals specified by MonitorEmailCheckFreq (in seconds). See getMonitorEmailCheckFreq().
MailTempFile is the name of the temporary file used to store email messages until they can be sent. See getMailTempFile().
A number of other parameters are used to define how email should be sent. You can find some more information about other parameters in the the Mascot installation and setup manual.
Parameter | EmailUsersEnabled |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isForkForUnixApache | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ForkForUnixApache.
If a user presses Stop
or goes to another page in their browser when a search is running, then the intended behaviour is that the search should continue, and the user be emailed with their results.
However, when running some versions of Apache under Unix, the search is terminated by Apache when the connection to the browser is lost. To stop this from happening, set this value to 1.
Windows versions of Mascot prior to 2.5.1 also used this parameter and attempted to emulate a 'fork' after the search started. However, with Windows 7 and later versions, this was very unreliable and the functionality was removed from the Windows version of nph-mascot.exe in Mascot Server version 2.5.1. However, this Mascot Parser function still returns the value in mascot.dat for both Windows and Linux.
Parameter | ForkForUnixApache |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isInIgnoreDupeAccessionList | ( | const std::string | value | ) | const |
Checks to see if the passed database name is in the list databases that shouldn't be checked for duplicate accessions.
When FASTA files are compressed, they are checked to ensure that there are no duplicate accession strings. For a large EST database with many millions of entries, this can take up a lot of memory. Adding a database to the list of values for the IgnoreDupeAccessions entry in mascot.dat
prevents this database from being tested.
Parameter | IgnoreDupeAccessions |
Permitted values | text strings delimted by tab, space and comma |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | EST_others |
Value in mascot.dat | EST_others |
value | is the name of the databases to check. |
bool isIteratePMFIntensities | ( | ) | const |
Returns value of the IteratePMFIntensities.
The IteratePMFIntensities parameter is used in order to switch off iterative PMF scoring. If the parameter is set to 1 mascot will try to use only as many queries for scoring as necessary to achieve the best PMF score.
Parameter | IteratePMFIntensities |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1 |
obsolete |
Returns the value of LabelAll.
LabelAll is obsolete. Peptide View in Mascot 3.0 and later always shows all annotated peaks.
If LabelAll is set to 1, the initial display in Peptide View is the one in which all peaks that match a calculated mass value are labelled.
Parameter | LabelAll |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isMatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs.
Mascot 2.7 and later support intact crosslinking. Normally Mascot only stores a match to the alpha-beta pair, where the alpha has the higher Mr, longer sequence or is alphabetically first (in this order).
If this setting is 1, both alpha-beta and beta-alpha matches are stored in the results file. Enabling the setting is only useful for debugging purposes.
Parameter | MatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isMoveOldDbToOldDir | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of MoveOldDbToOldDir.
After a successful database swap, the old fasta file and old reference file are moved to the ../old
directory unless this is set to 0 in which case the files are simply deleted.
Parameter | MoveOldDbToOldDir |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isPercolator | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of Percolator.
Returns true if percolated results should be opened by default.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | Percolator |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 1 |
bool isPercolatorUseProteins | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorUseProteins.
Percolator can use the assignment of proteins to peptides to improve specificity. However, this is risky in some situations so can be switched off.
Currently not supported
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | PercolatorUseProteins |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isPercolatorUseRT | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of PercolatorUseRT.
Percolator can use retention times of peptides to improve specificity. However, this is risky in some situations so can be switched off.
See Using Percolator scores for further information.
Parameter | PercolatorUseRT |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isRemoveOldIndexFiles | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of RemoveOldIndexFiles.
After a successful database swap, the compressed files in the current directory are deleted unless this is set to 0.
Parameter | RemoveOldIndexFiles |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isRequireBoldRed | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of RequireBoldRed.
If RequireBoldRed is set to 1 in a Peptide Summary report, only protein matches which have one or more 'bold red' peptide matches will be listed. That is, proteins that include at least one top ranking peptide match that has not already appeared in the report.
Not used for the Protein Family Summary report and when ms_mascotresults::MSRES_CLUSTER_PROTEINS is specified.
Parameter | RequireBoldRed |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isSaveEveryLastQueryAsc | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SaveEveryLastQueryAsc.
If set to 1, the Mascot input file will be saved for any search that fails to complete because it generates a fatal error. The name of the output file follows the same naming convention as a normal Mascot output file, except for the additional suffix .inp
. If a search goes to completion, this file is deleted as soon as the normal output file has been written to disk.
Parameter | SaveEveryLastQueryAsc |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isSaveLastQueryAsc | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of SaveLastQueryAsc.
SaveLastQueryAsc is a flag which controls whether the most recent input file to Mascot (i.e. the MIME format file containing MS data and search parameters) should be saved to disk (1) or not (0). This can be a useful debugging tool when writing scripts or forms to submit searches to Mascot.
If SaveLastQueryAsc is set to 1, the name of the file is determined by LastQueryAscFile.
Each new search overwrites this file.
Parameter | SaveLastQueryAsc |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isSectionAvailable | ( | ) | const |
Indicates whether the section has been actually read from the file.
The Options
section is unavailable until it has been read from the file. This function doesn't normally need to be used by client applications.
bool isShowAllFromErrorTolerant | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ShowAllFromErrorTolerant.
If ShowAllFromErrorTolerant is set to 0, result resports of manual error tolerant searches show only those matches that satisfy two criteria: (i) the score must be at least as high as the match for the same query in the original "parent" search, (ii) the score equals or exceeds the identity threshold for the same query in the original "parent" search. Setting ShowAllFromErrorTolerant to 1 causes all matches to be displayed.
Parameter | ShowAllFromErrorTolerant |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
bool isShowSubsets | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of ShowSubSets.
Parameter | ShowSubSets |
Permitted values | Floating point in range 0 to 1 inclusive |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isStoreModPermutations | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of StoreModPermutations.
If set to 0, only the highest scoring permutation of variable modifications for each unique peptide sequence is retained in the list of the top 10 ions scores. If set to 1, then different permutations of variable modifications are treated as independent matches, creating the possibility that all 10 top ions scores correspond to the same primary sequence.
Parameter | StoreModPermutations |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 1 |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
bool isUnixDirPermDefined | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the UnixDirPerm value is defined.
See getUnixDirPerm().
Parameter | UnixDirPerm |
Permitted values | Any integer in octal format |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 777 (octal) |
Value in mascot.dat | [not defined] |
. bool isUseHTTPProxyForFTP | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of UseHTTPProxyForFTP.
This parameter allows making FTP requests through the HTTP proxy. Note that the HTTP proxy server must explicitly support such "tunneling".
The default is false. You should only alter the setting if FTP requests fail.
Parameter | UseHTTPProxyForFTP |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
This option is ignored on Windows if auto proxy configuration is enabled.
bool isUseHTTPProxyForHTTPS | ( | ) | const |
Returns the value of UseHTTPProxyForHTTPS.
This parameter allows making HTTPS requests through the HTTP proxy. Note that the HTTP proxy server must explicitly support such "tunneling".
The default is false. You should only alter the setting if HTTPS requests fail.
Parameter | UseHTTPProxyForHTTPS |
Permitted values | 0 or 1 |
Default (if no parameter in mascot.dat) | 0 |
Value in mascot.dat | 0 |
This option is ignored on Windows if auto proxy configuration is enabled.
void setAlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets the value of AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile.
For a description of this function, see isAlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile().
value | is the new setting. |
void setAlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets AlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch.
For a description of this function, see isAlwaysEnableAutoDecoySearch().
value | is the new setting. |
void setAutoSelectCharge | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets AutoSelectCharge.
For a description of this function, see isAutoSelectCharge().
value | is the new setting. |
void setCacheDirectory | ( | const char * | value | ) |
Sets CacheDirectory.
For a description of this function, see getCacheDirectory(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new cache directory. |
void setCentroidWidth | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets CentroidWidth.
For a description of this function, see getCentroidWidth(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new centroid width. |
void setCentroidWidthCount | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets CentroidWidthCount.
For a description of this function, see getCentroidWidthCount(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new peak count threshold. |
void setClientResultFileMimeRefining | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Set the client API command behaviour for result_file_mime and result_file_mime2.
For a description of this function, see isClientResultFileMimeRefining().
value | is the new setting. |
void setCompressToolAA | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets CompressTool_AA.
For a description of this function, see getCompressToolAA() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting |
void setCompressToolNA | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets CompressTool_NA.
For a description of this function, see getCompressToolNA() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting |
void setCompressToolSL | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets CompressTool_NA.
For a description of this function, see getCompressToolSL() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting |
void setCrawlerNumPeaksPer100Da | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets the number of peaks to output in each 100 Da window for the library crawler.
Sets the number of peaks to output in each 100 Da window for the library crawler If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | must be a number greater than zero |
void setCreateLegacyModAndSubstitutionFiles | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets an option for backwards compatibility with very old software.
For a description of this function, see isCreateLegacyModAndSubstitutionFiles().
value | is the new setting. |
void setCreatePipThreadBlockSize | ( | const int | blockSize | ) |
Sets CreatePipThreadBlockSize.
For a description of this function, see getCreatePipThreadBlockSize(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
blockSize | is . |
void setCreatePipThreads | ( | const int | nThreads | ) |
Sets CreatePipThreads.
For a description of this function, see getCreatePipThreads(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
nThreads | is the number of threads used to generate the Percolator input file. |
void setDechargeFragmentPeaks | ( | const int | maxCharge | ) |
Sets the maximum fragment ion charge state to be decharged.
For a description of this function, see getDechargeFragmentPeaks(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
maxCharge | must be zero or a positive integer |
void setDecoyTypeNoEnzyme | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets DecoyTypeNoEnzyme.
For a description of this function, see getDecoyTypeNoEnzyme(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting. |
void setDecoyTypeSpecific | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets DecoyTypeSpecific.
For a description of this function, see getDecoyTypeSpecific(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting. |
inherited |
Allows to set a specific delimiter string to be used when no property-specific delimiter is supplied.
delim | String to set the default delimiter |
void setDefaultTargetFDRPercentage | ( | const int | index | ) |
Makes an element of TargetFDRPercentages at the given index the default value.
See getTargetFDRPercentage() for more information. If the provided index is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
index | is the index of the item to set. index must be between 0 and getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages()-1. |
void setDisplayNonSignificantMatches | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets DisplayNonSignificantMatches.
For a description of this function, see getDisplayNonSignificantMatches().
value | is the new setting. If it is not one of the permitted values, the setting remains unchanged. |
void setEmailErrorsEnabled | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets EmailErrorsEnabled.
For a description of this function, see isEmailErrorsEnabled().
value | specified whether errors should be emailed. |
void setEmailFromTextName | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets EmailFromTextName.
For a description of this function, see getEmailFromTextName(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the user from which email appears to come. |
void setEmailFromUser | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets EmailFromUser.
For a description of this function, see getEmailFromUser(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new email address of the user from which email appears to come. |
void setEmailPassword | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets EmailPassword.
For a description of this function, see getEmailPassword(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new email password. |
void setEmailProfile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets EmailPassword.
For a description of this function, see getEmailProfile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the email profile. |
void setEmailService | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets EmailService.
For a description of this function, see getEmailService(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new email service name. |
void setEmailTimeOutPeriod | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets EmailTimeOutPeriod.
For a description of this function, see getEmailTimeOutPeriod(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new timeout period. |
void setEmailUsersEnabled | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets EmailUsersEnabled.
For a description of this function, see isEmailUsersEnabled().
value | specifies whether users should be emailed. |
void setErrMessageEmailTo | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets ErrMessageEmailTo.
For a description of this function, see getErrMessageEmailTo(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the person to send errors to. |
void setErrorLogFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets ErrorLogFile path.
For a description of this function, see getErrorLogFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the errorlog file. |
void setErrTolMaxAccessions | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets ErrTolMaxAccessions.
For a description of this function, see getErrTolMaxAccessions(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum. |
void setExecAfterSearch | ( | const int | num, |
std::string | value | ||
) |
Sets ExecAfterSearch_XXX.
For a description of this function, see getExecAfterSearch(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
num | is the 1 based number for the ExecAfterSearch_[num] parameter. |
value | is the command to be run. |
void setFeatureTableLength | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets FeatureTableLength.
For a description of this function, see getFeatureTableLength(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new length. |
void setFeatureTableMinScore | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets FeatureTableMinScore.
For a description of this function, see getFeatureTableMinScore(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new minimum score. |
void setForkForUnixApache | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets ForkForUnixApache.
For a description of this function, see isForkForUnixApache().
value | specifies whether the fork command should be used. |
void setFormVersion | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets FormVersion.
For a description of this function, see getFormVersion(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new version string. |
void setGetSeqBlastAccession | ( | const ms_blastaccession * | value | ) |
Sets GetSeqBlastAccession.
For a description of this function, see getGetSeqBlastAccession(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting. |
void setGetSeqJobIdFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets GetSeqJobIdFile.
For a description of this function, see getGetSeqJobIdFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the job id file. |
void setICATFilter | ( | const char * | filterString | ) |
Sets ICATFilter.
For a description of this function, see getICATFilter(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
filterString | is the new name of the ICAT filter. |
void setICATHeavy | ( | const char * | modName | ) |
Sets ICATHeavy.
For a description of this function, see getICATHeavy(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
modName | is the new name of the heavy ICAT mod. |
void setICATLight | ( | const char * | modName | ) |
Sets ICATLight.
For a description of this function, see getICATLight(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
modName | is the new name of the light ICAT mod. |
void setICATQuantitationMethod | ( | const char * | methodName | ) |
Sets ICATQuantitationMethod.
For a description of this function, see getICATQuantitationMethod(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
methodName | is the new name of the quantitation method. |
void setIgnoreDupeAccession | ( | const unsigned int | index, |
const std::string | value | ||
) |
Sets an item in the IgnoreDupeAccessions list by its index.
See getIgnoreDupeAccession() and isInIgnoreDupeAccessionList() for details.
This method sets the value at the given index.
index | is the index of the value to set. index must be between 0 and getNumberOfIgnoreDupeAccessions()-1. |
value | is the value to set (the name of the database). |
void setIgnoreIonsScoreBelow | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets IgnoreIonsScoreBelow.
For a description of this function, see getIgnoreIonsScoreBelow(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum. |
void setIntensitySigFigs | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets IntensitySigFigs.
For a description of this function, see getIntensitySigFigs(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new number of significant figures. |
void setInterFileBasePath | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets InterFileBasePath.
For a description of this function, see getInterFileBasePath(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new path. |
void setInterFileRelPath | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets InterFileRelPath.
For a description of this function, see getInterFileRelPath(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new path. |
void setIonsDecimalPlaces | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets IonsDecimalPlaces.
For a description of this function, see getIonsDecimalPlaces(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new number of decimal places. |
void setIteratePMFIntensities | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets IteratePMFIntensities.
For a description of this function, see isIteratePMFIntensities().
value | is the new setting. |
obsolete |
Sets LabelAll.
For a description of this function, see isLabelAll().
value | specifies if all peaks that match a calculated mass value should be labelled in Peptide View. |
void setLastQueryAscFile | ( | const char * | filename | ) |
Sets LastQueryAscFile to the passed value.
For a description of this function, see isSaveLastQueryAsc(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
filename | is the new name of the lastqueryasc file. |
void setLogoImageFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets LogoImageFile.
For a description of this function, see getLogoImageFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new logo image file. |
void setMailTempFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MailTempFile.
For a description of this function, see getMailTempFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the temp file. |
void setMailTransport | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MailTransport.
For a description of this function, see getMailTransport(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new mail transport option. |
void setMascNodeCtrlFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MascNodeCtrlFile.
For a description of this function, see getMascNodeCtrlFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the node control file. |
void setMascotCmdLine | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MascotCmdLine.
For a description of this function, see getMascotCmdLine(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new path. |
void setMascotControlFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MascotControlFile.
For a description of this function, see getMascotControlFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the control file. |
void setMascotFileProcessingThreads | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MascotFileProcessingThreads.
For a description of this function, see getMascotFileProcessingThreads() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | must be a number greater than zero or -1 |
void setMascotJobIdFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MascotJobIdFile.
For a description of this function, see getMascotJobIdFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the job id file. |
void setMascotMessage | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MascotMessage.
For a description of this function, see getMascotMessage(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new message. |
void setMassDecimalPlaces | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MassDecimalPlaces.
For a description of this function, see getMassDecimalPlaces(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new number of decimal places. |
void setMatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets MatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs.
For a description of this function, see isMatchOppositeCrosslinkPairs().
value | is the new setting. |
void setMaxConcurrentSearches | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxConcurrentSearches.
For a description of this function, see getMaxConcurrentSearches(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum value. |
void setMaxDatabases | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxDatabases.
For a description of this function, see getMaxDatabases(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum number of databases. |
void setMaxDescriptionLen | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxDescriptionLen.
For a description of this function, see getMaxDescriptionLen(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum length. |
void setMaxEtagMassDelta | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets MaxEtagMassDelta.
For a description of this function, see getMaxEtagMassDelta().
value | is the new maximum delta. |
void setMaxEtVarMods | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxEtVarMods.
For a description of this function, see getMaxEtVarMods()
value | is the new maximum in the range 0 to 31. |
void setMaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides.
For a description of this function, see getMaxIntactCrosslinkPeptides() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | must be a number greater than zero |
void setMaxNumPeptides | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxNumPeptides.
For a description of this function, see getMaxNumPeptides().
value | is the new maximum value. |
void setMaxPepModArrangements | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxPepModArrangements.
For a description of this function, see getMaxPepModArrangements() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum. |
void setMaxPepNumModifiedSites | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxPepNumModifiedSites.
For a description of this function, see getMaxPepNumModifiedSites(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum number of modified sites. |
void setMaxPepNumVarMods | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxPepNumVarMods.
For a description of this function, see getMaxPepNumVarMods(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum number of modifications. |
void setMaxQueries | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxQueries.
For a description of this function, see getMaxQueries(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum number of queries. |
void setMaxSearchesPerUser | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxSearchesPerUser.
For a description of this function, see getMaxSearchesPerUser(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the maximum value. |
void setMaxSequenceLen | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxSequenceLen.
For a description of this function, see getMaxSequenceLen(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new maximum length. |
void setMaxVarMods | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MaxVarMods.
For a description of this function, see getMaxVarMods().
value | is the new maximum in the range 0 to 32. |
void setMinEtagMassDelta | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets MinEtagMassDelta.
For a description of this function, see getMinEtagMassDelta().
value | is the new minimum delta. |
void setMinPepLenInPepSummary | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MinPepLenInPepSummary.
For a description of this function, see getMinPepLenInPepSummary(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new minimum length. |
void setMinPepLenInSearch | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MinPepLenInSearch.
For a description of this function, see getMinPepLenInSearch(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new minimum setting. |
void setMonitorEmailCheckFreq | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MonitorEmailCheckFreq.
For a description of this function, see getMonitorEmailCheckFreq(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new time period. |
void setMonitorLogFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MonitorLogFile.
For a description of this function, see getMonitorLogFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the monitor log. |
void setMonitorPidFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets MonitorPidFile.
For a description of this function, see getMonitorPidFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the pid file. |
void setMonitorTestTimeout | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets MonitorTestTimeout.
For a description of this function, see getMonitorTestTimeout(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new timeout period. |
void setMoveOldDbToOldDir | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets MoveOldDbToOldDir.
For a description of this function, see isMoveOldDbToOldDir().
value | is the new setting. |
void setMudpit | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets Mudpit.
For a description of this function, see getMudpit(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting. |
void setMudpitSwitch | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets MudpitSwitch.
For a description of this function, see getMudpitSwitch(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new q/e value used to determine which protein scoring method to use. |
void setNoResultsScript | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets NoResultsScript.
For a description of this function, see getNoResultsScript(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the script. |
void setNTIUserGroup | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets NTIUserGroup.
For a description of this function, see getNTIUserGroup(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the web user group. |
void setNTMonitorGroup | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets NTMonitorGroup.
For a description of this function, see getNTMonitorGroup(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the group used by ms-monitor.exe . |
void setPepSearchTool | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets LibrarySearch.
For a description of this function, see getPepSearchTool() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting |
void setPercolator | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets Percolator.
For a description of this function, see isPercolator().
value | True if percolated results should be opened by default. |
void setPercolatorExeFlags | ( | const char * | value | ) |
Sets PercolatorExeFlags.
For a description of this function, see getPercolatorExeFlags(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new flags. |
void setPercolatorFeatures | ( | std::string | value | ) |
Sets PercolatorFeatures.
For a description of this function, see getPercolatorFeatures(). If the provided value is empty, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new list of features. |
void setPercolatorMinQueries | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets PercolatorMinQueries.
For a description of this function, see getPercolatorMinQueries(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new minimum number of queries. |
void setPercolatorMinSequences | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets PercolatorMinSequences.
For a description of this function, see getPercolatorMinSequences(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new minimum number of sequences. |
void setPercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold | ( | const double | threshold | ) |
Sets PercolatorTargetRankRelativeThreshold.
For a description of this function, see getPercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
threshold | is the minimum relative score difference with rank 1 match. |
void setPercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold | ( | const int | threshold | ) |
Sets PercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold.
For a description of this function, see getPercolatorTargetRankScoreThreshold(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
threshold | is the minimum score to include a match in the pip file. |
void setPercolatorUseProteins | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets PercolatorUseProteins.
For a description of this function, see isPercolatorUseProteins().
value | is the new flag. |
void setPercolatorUseRT | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets PercolatorUseRT.
For a description of this function, see isPercolatorUseRT().
value | is the new flag. |
inherited |
Sets any comments preceeding the section.
Sections in the mascot.dat file may have comments preceeding them. In most cases, these comments need to stay 'attached' to the section.
Multiple line comments are supported by having a single string with newline characters
comments | any comments preceeding the section |
void setPrecursorCutOutLowerLimit | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets the first PrecursorCutOut.
For a description of this function, see getPrecursorCutOutLowerLimit().
value | is the new lower limit. |
void setPrecursorCutOutUpperLimit | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets the second PrecursorCutOut.
For a description of this function, see getPrecursorCutOutUpperLimit().
value | is the new upper limit. |
inherited |
Changes name of the property with the given index.
index | property number from 0 to (getNumberOfProperties()-1). |
name | new name to be given to the property. |
inherited |
Changes a boolean value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found.
A new value will be converted into 1 (for TRUE) or 0 (for FALSE) character.
name | a name of the property to find or add. |
value | a new boolean value for the property. |
bFirstPlace | if not found a new property can be put on top of the list. |
inherited |
Changes a single character value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found.
name | a name of the property to find or add. |
value | a new single character value for the property. |
bFirstPlace | if not found a new property can be put on top of the list. |
inherited |
Changes an floating point value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found.
name | a name of the property to find or add. |
value | a new floating point value for the property. |
bFirstPlace | if not found a new property can be put on top of the list. |
inherited |
Changes a long 64-bit integer value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found.
name | a name of the property to find or add. |
value | a new long 64-bit integer value for the property. |
bFirstPlace | if not found a new property can be put on top of the list. |
inherited |
Changes an integer value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found.
name | a name of the property to find or add. |
value | a new integer value for the property. |
bFirstPlace | if not found a new property can be put on top of the list. |
inherited |
Changes a string value of the first entry with the given name or creates a new property if it is not found.
name | a name of the property to find or add. |
value | a new string value for the property. |
bFirstPlace | if not found a new property can be put on top of the list. |
inherited |
Changes an string value of an existing property with the given index.
index | an index of an existing property. |
str | String value for the property. |
void setProteinFamilySwitch | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets ProteinFamilySwitch.
For a description of this function, see getProteinFamilySwitch(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new minimum number of spectra. |
void setProteinsInResultsFile | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets ProteinsInResultsFile.
For a description of this function, see getProteinsInResultsFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting. |
void setProxyPassword | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets proxy_password.
For a description of this function, see getProxyPassword(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new password. |
void setProxyServer | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets proxy_server.
For a description of this function, see getProxyServer. If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new proxy server address/name. |
void setProxyType | ( | const std::string & | value | ) |
Sets ProxyType.
For a description of this function, see getProxyServer.
value | A case-insensitive string matching one of the ms_connection_settings::PROXY_TYPE values. If value matches none of them, proxy type is set to Auto. |
void setProxyUsername | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets proxy_username.
For a description of this function, see getProxyUsername(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new proxy user name. |
void setRemoveOldIndexFiles | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets RemoveOldIndexFiles.
For a description of this function, see isRemoveOldIndexFiles().
value | is the new setting. |
void setReportBuilderColumnArrangement | ( | const int | index, |
const std::string | str | ||
) |
Sets ReportBuilderColumnArrangement.
Set the column arrangement string at index
to the given value. If str
is the empty string, the column arrangement at that index will be deleted.
For details, see getReportBuilderColumnArrangement(). If the provided index or value is not valid, the list will be unchanged.
index | A value between 1 and getMaxNumOfReportBuilderColumnArrangements, inclusive. |
str | Name, followed by colon, followed by comma-separated column arrangement string, e.g. "Mini:family,member,db,acc,score,mass,desc" |
void setReportNumberChoice | ( | const int | index, |
const int | value | ||
) |
Sets an element of the ReportNumberChoices list by its index.
See getReportNumberChoice() for more information. If the provided index or value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
index | is the index of the item to set. index must be between 0 and getNumberOfReportNumberChoices()-1. |
value | is the value it should be set to. |
void setRequireBoldRed | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets RequireBoldRed.
For a description of this function, see isRequireBoldRed().
value | specifies if proteins need a bold red peptide. |
void setResfileCache | ( | const char * | value | ) |
Sets ResfileCache.
For a description of this function, see getResfileCache(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
value | a comma separated list of scripts that should specify ms_mascotresfilebase::RESFILE_USE_CACHE when creating a ms_mascotresfilebase object. |
void setResultsCache | ( | const char * | value | ) |
Sets ResultsCache.
For a description of this function, see getResultsCache(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
value | a comma separated list of scripts that should specify ms_peptidesummary::MSPEPSUM_USE_CACHE when creating a ms_peptidesummary object. |
void setResultsFileFormatVersion | ( | const char * | value | ) |
Sets ResultsFileFormatVersion.
For a description of this function, see getResultsFileFormatVersion(). If the provided value is null, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new version string. |
void setResultsFullURL | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets ResultsFullURL.
For a description of this function, see getResultsFullURL(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new URL. |
void setResultsFullURL_2 | ( | std::string | value | ) |
Sets ResultsFullURL_2.
For a description of this function, see getResultsFullURL_2(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new perl script. |
void setResultsPerlScript | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets ResultsPerlScript.
For a description of this function, see getResultsPerlScript(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the script. |
void setResultsPerlScript_2 | ( | std::string | value | ) |
Sets ResultsPerlScript_2.
For a description of this function, see getResultsPerlScript_2(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new perl script. |
void setReviewColDisplay | ( | const MS_REVIEW_COL | index, |
const bool | value | ||
) |
Sets ReviewColDisplay.
End users can specify the display states in mascot.dat
to suit their requirements, for example if they want to hide some columns by default.
index | is a value from the MS_REVIEW_COL enumeration. |
value | is the new display state to set. |
void setReviewColWidth | ( | const MS_REVIEW_COL | index, |
const int | value | ||
) |
Sets ReviewColWidths.
End users can specify the widths in mascot.dat
to suit their requirements, for example if they use long titles.
index | is a value from the MS_REVIEW_COL enumeration. |
value | is the new width to set. |
void setSaveEveryLastQueryAsc | ( | const bool | flag | ) |
Sets SaveEveryLastQueryAsc to 1 or 0.
For a description of this function, see isSaveEveryLastQueryAsc().
flag | is a boolean flag that corresponds to 1 (true) or 0 (false). |
void setSaveLastQueryAsc | ( | const bool | flag | ) |
Sets SaveLastQueryAsc to 1 or 0.
For a description of this function, see isSaveLastQueryAsc().
flag | is a boolean flag that corresponds to 1 (true) or 0 (false). |
void setSearchLogFile | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets SearchLogFile.
For a description of this function, see getSearchLogFile(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the search log. |
void setSearchSubmitAcceptedFileTypes | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets the accepted input file types in the Mascot search form.
For a description of this function, see getSearchSubmitAcceptedFileTypes(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting |
void setSearchSubmitDefaultPeptideCharge | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets the default peptide charge when not specified in the input file.
For a description of this function, see getSearchSubmitDefaultPeptideCharge(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting |
void setSearchSubmitMode | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets the Mascot search submission mode.
For a description of this function, see getSearchSubmitMode(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | must be either "asynchronous" or "direct". |
void setSearchSubmitOutputFormat | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets the Mascot search submission output format.
For a description of this function, see getSearchSubmitOutputFormat(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | must be either "dat28" or "msr" or "dat28,msr". |
void setSelectSwitch | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets SelectSwitch.
For a description of this function, see getSelectSwitch(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new minimum number of queries for a select summary. |
void setSendmailPath | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets sendmailPath.
For a description of this function, see getSendmailPath(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new name of the sendmail program. |
void setShowAllFromErrorTolerant | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets ShowAllFromErrorTolerant.
For a description of this function, see isShowAllFromErrorTolerant().
value | specifies if all matches should be displayed in manual error tolerant searches. |
void setShowSubsets | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets ShowSubSets.
Simply calls setShowSubsets(const double) with a value of 0.0 or 1.0.
value | if set to true, 1.0 is used, otherwise 0.0 is used |
void setShowSubsets | ( | const double | value | ) |
Sets ShowSubSets.
See getShowSubsets().
value | is the fractional score required for a protein to be counted as a subset. Its score must be greater than or equal to main_protein_score * (1-getShowSubsets()). A value between 0 and 1 (inclusive) is required and the default value is 0. |
void setSigThreshold | ( | const double | value | ) |
Set the SigThreshold.
For a description of this function, see getSigThreshold(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new default threshold value. |
void setSiteAnalysisMD10Prob | ( | const double | value | ) |
Set the SiteAnalysisMD10Prob.
For a description of this function, see getSiteAnalysisMD10Prob(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new default MD10Prob value. |
void setSortUnassigned | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets SortUnassigned.
For a description of this function, see getSortUnassigned(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | should be one of:
void setSpectraPerLibraryBlock | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets the number of spectra in a spectral library block.
For a description of this function, see getSpectraPerLibraryBlock() If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | must be a number greater than zero |
void setSpectrumViewerColourSchemeString | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | str, | ||
bool | doCheck = true |
) |
Sets SpectrumViewerColourScheme.
If str
is the empty string, the named colour scheme will be deleted.
For details, see getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeString(). If the provided name or value is not valid, the list will be unchanged.
name | Colour scheme name; the defined names are returned by getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeNames(). |
str | Colour scheme specification as defined in getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeString(), or the empty string. |
doCheck | Whether the method should check if the colour scheme is of the correct format, default to true. |
void setSpectrumViewerDefaultColourSchemeName | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
Sets the default colour scheme name (SpectrumViewerDefaultColourScheme).
For a description of this function, see getSpectrumViewerDefaultColourSchemeName(). If the provided default name is not in the list of current names, the value will not be changed.
name | Colour scheme name, typically one of getSpectrumViewerColourSchemeNames(). |
void setSplitDataFileSize | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets SplitDataFileSize.
For a description of this function, see getSplitDataFileSize(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new file size to split at. |
void setSplitNumberOfQueries | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets SplitNumberOfQueries.
For a description of this function, see getSplitNumberOfQueries(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new number of queries. |
void setStoreModPermutations | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets StoreModPermutations.
For a description of this function, see isStoreModPermutations().
value | is the new setting. |
void setSVGSpectrumSwitch | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets SVGSpectrumSwitch.
For a description of this function, see getSVGSpectrumSwitch(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new setting. |
void setTargetFDRPercentage | ( | const int | index, |
const double | value, | ||
const bool | makeDefault = false |
) |
Sets an element of the TargetFDRPercentages list by its index.
See getTargetFDRPercentage() for more information. If the provided index or value is not valid, the list will be unchanged.
index | is the index of the item to set. index must be between 0 and getNumberOfTargetFDRPercentages()-1. |
value | is the value it should be set to. |
makeDefault | controls whether the new element should be made the default item in the list. |
void setTaxBrowserUrl | ( | const std::string | value | ) |
Sets TaxBrowserURL.
For a description of this function, see getTaxBrowserUrl().
value | is the URL. |
void setTestDirectory | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Sets TestDirectory.
For a description of this function, see getTestDirectory(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
str | is the new path. |
void setUniqueJobStartNumber | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets UniqueJobStartNumber.
For a description of this function, see getUniqueJobStartNumber(). If the provided value is negative, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new job start number. |
void setUnixDirPerm | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets UnixDirPerm.
For a description of this function, see getUnixDirPerm(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new permissions. |
void setUnixWebUserGroup | ( | const int | value | ) |
Sets UnixWebUserGroup.
For a description of this function, see getUnixWebUserGroup().
value | is the new setting for the web user group. |
void setUseHTTPProxyForFTP | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets UseHTTPProxyForFTP.
For a description of this function, see isUseHTTPProxyForFTP.
value | True if FTP requests should use HTTP proxy settings; false otherwise. |
void setUseHTTPProxyForHTTPS | ( | const bool | value | ) |
Sets UseHTTPProxyForHTTPS.
For a description of this function, see isUseHTTPProxyForHTTPS.
value | True if HTTPS requests should use HTTP proxy settings; false otherwise. |
void setVmemory | ( | const INT64 | value | ) |
Sets Vmemory.
For a description of this function, see getVmemory(). If the provided value is not valid, the existing value will be kept.
value | is the new value. |
inherited |
Uncomments a line in the configuration file.
Removes a # and any white space. Finds the delimeter and extracts the property name and value.
index | must be a value between 0 and getNumberOfProperties(). |
delimeter | will often be a space. If not supplied, the default delimeter will be used. |