Articles tagged: 13C
Validating intact crosslinked peptide matches
Intact crosslinked search results are more complex than conventional (non-crosslinked) searches, because there are many more degrees of freedom. The precursor mass could be within tolerance of a looplinked sequence, a linear sequence with monolink and several different alpha-beta candidates. Each possibility is multiplied if you also consider variable modifications like oxidation of methionine. Mascot 2.7 uses the same scoring [...]
The plus one dilemma
There are several common modifications that can add approximately 1 Da to a peptide mass. Even if you have high accuracy data, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out which one is correct. Delta Lys->Glu substitution 0.947630 Leu->Asn or Ile->Asn substitution 0.958863 Deamidation at N or Asn->Asp substitution 0.984016 Deamidation at Q or Gln->Glu substitution 0.984016 Citrullination at [...]