Mascot: The trusted reference standard for protein identification by mass spectrometry for 25 years

Exercise ADM3: answers

  • An administrator who can configure the system, but not run searches
    Starting from the default security configuration, an Administrators group that meets these requirements already exists and the admin user is a member. Either log in as admin or create a new user and make them a member of this group
  • Yourself as one of the ‘workers’ in the core lab who runs the searches
    Create a group similar to this. The CLIENT: For Mascot Daemon, allow spoofing of another user task is required because you need to be able to run searches in the names of customers. Create a new user for your own use and make this user a member of the group

    security admin

  • The lab currently only has 2 ‘customers’: the immunology department (Ian and Ida), and the pathology department (Paul and Pam). Create these groups and users.
    Create a group called immunology similar to the this, create user accounts for Ian and Ida and make them members of the immunology group.

    security admin

    Create an equivalent group called Pathology for Paul and Pam

  • People from the immunology and pathology department should be able to see all results from their own department and they should be able to view the search log and status screen for their department’s searches only.
    The selected tasks will result in this behaviour.
  • The immunology department have their own private yeast database that they don’t want other departments to see.
    Add this task to the Pathology group: SEARCH: Special fasta databases that override the default setting and specify the name of the yeast database as the parameter. Even if you accidentally run a search of the yeast database for a member of Pathology, they won’t be able to access the result reports.


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