Mascot Daemon version 2.5
The Mascot Server 2.5.1 service pack includes an installer for Mascot Daemon 2.5.1. After installing the service pack, follow the link from your local Mascot Server home page to update Mascot Daemon to 2.5.1. This fixes the following issues:
- 11844: Unless there is a Windows security group called ‘Everyone’ on the Daemon PC, the engine launches multiple times, causing a warning about multiple instances. If the engine is installed as a service, the log will show this error: (MDS1106) Failed to register Mascot Daemon Service for IPC.
- 11879: Task pauses with status message ‘Unable to locate result file’
- 11902: Allow for additional columns added by users when updating task database
- 11903: Status listview switches to task list after clicking on Distiller project link
- 11968: Follow-up broken when server is version 2.5 or later
- 11973: Unicode not working for VistaDB, SQL Server and Oracle
- 11974: Clearer messages at start-up if cannot connect to Mascot Server
- 12031: Cannot submit searches to IIS when basic authentication enabled