Mascot Distiller version 2.1
All known issues in Mascot Distiller 2.1 have been fixed in later versions.
Updates to version 2.8 are currently free. We recommend all users to download and install this free update.
Change log
2.1.1 (28-May-2007)
- 605, 644: Voyager provider now has native support for t2d files.
- 618: Compiled against new MassLynx API that fixes 2GB issue (no API changes).
- 633: Mass values in LMZ mode Kratos files were incorrect.
- 635: Fixed Bruker BAF file support for UltraFlex instruments and TOF-TOF files are now handled correctly.
- 643, 650, 654: New Agilent MassHunter (Q-TOF) provider
- 645: mzXML provider can handle files bigger than 2GB.
- 648: Xcalibur provider uses new Thermo XDK API.
- 638: Need to be able to specify proxy username and password.
- 631: Interface to web browser was failing with MSIE 7.
- 658: Add support for z+2 ions.
- 630: Lockspray should not be part of search toolbox.
2.1.0 (17-Aug-2006)
- 223, 555, 559-562, 571, 579, 580, 597, 599: Bruker CDAL library adds support for BAF and XMASS ICR format files.
- 423, 547, 550, 552-556, 566, 567, 569, 570, 600: New Analyst provider removes dependency on the Analyst being installed.
- 465, 524, 580, 598: New Agilent TOF provider.
- 504: Failed to try guest login when Mascot security enabled
- 505: Added mzData as an additional peak list export format.
- 510: Was no prompt to save project when choosing Close All.
- 518, 521: Increased charge state limit from 8 to 40.
- 522, 551: Initial support for MassLynx lockspray scans.
- 526: Support negative charge states in Distiller UI
- 531: Blast link needs search both forward and reverse sequence
- 534: Fixed assertion failure caused when loading peak list archive that contained user-defined peaks.
- 538: Bruker trap file that doesn’t end in ".d" causes error message "Catastrophic Failure"
- 539: Ignore negative mass values in mzXML files caused by CompassXport.
- 541: Implemented more regridding improvements to avoid assert failures. Discard any negative mass values at the start of a spectrum.
- 545: Protein names were not URL escaped when viewed in Distiller
- 549: Fixed issue that was causing Axima CFR calibration to be incorrect when data collection was set to automatic measurement mode.
- 563: Improved handling of Kratos files with multiple plate records but only one spectrum.
- 577, 581, 601: Added support for Kratos Axima 2.7 and LC-MS/MS files.
- 596: Fixed problems with loading a project file containing Mascot search results when original Mascot server was unavailable
- 610: If a long denovo was cancelled, would fail when tried again
- 611: Fixed invalid sequence tag queries created when charge state higher than 8
- 619: Fixed problem with Microsoft IntelliType Pro Keyboard driver.