Mascot Distiller version 2.3
All known issues in Mascot Distiller 2.3 have been fixed in later versions.
Updates to version 2.8 are currently free. We recommend all users to download and install this free update.
Change log
2.3.2 (24-Dec-2009)
- 865: Added Mascot security password and username to command-line parameters
- 871: Need more flexible way to multi-select Bruker XMASS files for multi-file project
- 889: Std Err Threshold broken if simple ratio checked
- 890: Cannot Save As when project created by Daemon
- 897: Display more detailed error information when unable to load config files
- 900: Distiller crash during quantitation
- 902: Crash caused by switching TIC units after peak picking
- 903: N-term modifications in quant table prefixed by ‘(c-term)’
- 905: Cannot select individual Masshunter files from multifile project dialog
- 906: Quant occasionally hangs if allow elution shift checked
- 908: Problems accessing SSL Mascot Server
- 910: Minor bugs in outlier rejection (quantitation)
- 911: Mascot server version 2.3 check not behaving correctly
- 913: May fail to display sample info if known file extensions are hidden in Windows Explorer
2.3.1 (17-Aug-2009)
- 856: If you clear ‘Enable logging’ you still get log messages from Distiller
- 858: Project file with components based on ambiguous variable mods caused crash
- 859: fitexy information not being saved in XML export
- 860: Crash as soon as click on anything in custom ratio dialog for replicate
- 866: Crash during quantitation when actual peak widths found to be less than minimum specified in processing options
- 867: Precursor methods with many components give garbage results for components 4 and above
- 868: Quantitation report, average protocol, intensity value can overflow
- 869: Crash during quantitation for large replicate protocol project
- 870: Crash when importing results from Mascot 2.1 server
- 872: Analyst Wiff provider mis-reading file header, can lead to large mass errors.
- 873: ‘Save As’ filters in common dialog wrong for mzData
- 876: Additional XML style sheets for copy and paste to Excel
- 882: Cannot open single Waters Masslynx file from multi-file project browse dialog
- 883: DPP overlay incorrectly scaled when time alignment is on
2.3.0 (25-Jun-2009)
- 502: Allow Fixed and variable modifications with same specificity
- 710: Need prompt to create local server entry on first run
- 725: Save As to same file name actually results in incremental save
- 762: Problems with terminus mods not being saved for in silico peptide fragmentation
- 764: Analyst multi-sample file with separate .scan cannot be opened if sample 1 is missing
- 776: Distiller sometimes crashes at point of trying to display quant table
- 777: Need to be able to load search results independently of quant results
- 778: Default licence directory is now C:\ProgramData\Matrix Science\licdb for Vista, Server 2008, and later.
- 783: When precursor charge is found in the file, if the value exceeds the maximum peak charge set in the processing options, reject the file value and continue as though it wasn’t there.
- 785: Calculate XIC for peptide: doesn’t work in Multifile projects.
- 786: Calculate an XIC often leads to crash
- 788: Can’t create a project from a font: stuck if fonts folder becomes the default folder
- 789: TIC units not honoured when Mascot search submitted
- 790, 812: Command line mode to support Daemon automation
- 791: Add support for Average and Replicate protocols
- 795: If light component is missing, overlay for next component slips into this position
- 800: Add view-only mode when no valid licence present
- 804: Quantitation XML file has limit of 64 characters on filename
- 806: mzXML provider doesn’t handle mixed profile/centroided data correctly + support for precision="64"
- 807: Default preferences fails to save state of "Allow user parameter fields in MGF peak lists"
- 809: Allow multi-select in Multifile projects dialog
- 809: Multi-threading used for quantitation
- 809: Saving of proxy or http access passwords; no longer have to embed in URL
- 813: Should be able to process time range in a multi-file project
- 816: Assert failure could occur with some Xcalibur files where zoom scans are present but aren’t connected with MS2 scans.
- 820: Corrections could fail for multi-element corrections with high level of under-enrichment
- 821: For some Bruker files, MS3 scans could be attached to the wrong MS2 scan.
- 824: Added support for opening Analyst 1.5 files.
- 826: Quant treats Protein N-term mod as Any N-term when calculating m/z values for unmatched components
- 828: Search form emulation to support Internet Explorer 8
- 832: Mascot search of all tags is enabled for de novo solutions but doesn’t work
- 833: Cannot create multifile project with mzXML files
- 837: Normalise on specified peptides or proteins
- 838: Added "Process This Scan" to scan context menu
- 839: Improved signal processing so that only the absolute minimum range of spectrum data is processed.
- 846: Fixed "Different scan types assigned to same group" assert failure that may occur when loading a peak list archive.
- 850: Incorrect processing options returned after loading peak list archive.
- New: Limit quantitation to unique peptides
- New: Offer to display report in web browser if Mascot search is error tolerant
- New: Option to use zoom scans for isotope tag-based methods
- New: Support Mascot 2.3 features, e.g. search multiple databases